首頁 / 台新藝術獎 / 第十五屆 / 評審委員 / 傑夫.可汗 Jeff Khan

傑夫.可汗 Jeff Khan

澳洲雪梨Performance Space藝術總監
Artistic Director of Performance Space, Sydney, Australia

傑夫・可汗現任雪梨Performance Space藝術總監,他來自西澳大利亞,是表演、舞蹈和視覺藝術領域的策展人及作家,致力於跨界、特定場域和社會參與式的計劃和實踐。在Performance Space,傑夫・可汗負責 Liveworks Festival of Experimental Art 每年的發想策劃及實際執行,同時也包括各類駐村、實驗坊和藝術家養成計劃。從2006至2010年,傑夫・可汗擔任墨爾本「下一波藝術節」(Next Wave Festival)的藝術總監,負責2008及2010「下一波藝術節」的策劃、執行,及該藝術節於Kickstart募資平台上深受好評的發展方案和數個特別計劃。

傑夫・可汗也是2013年國家舞蹈論壇的幕後推手,並於2009至2011年間擔任澳洲文化藝術理事會的舞蹈委員會委員。視覺藝術方面,他曾擔任澳洲當代藝術中心2012年展覽NEW 12 及澳洲當代藝術館2009年展覽Primavera的客座策展人。在此之前,傑夫・可汗曾任職於墨爾本葛楚當代藝術中心、柏斯當代藝術學院、柏斯約翰庫丁藝廊與紐約古根漢美術館,其文章曾多次發表於不同出版品、展覽專刊、雜誌和藝術家計劃。


Jeff Khan is Artistic Director of Performance Space, Sydney. Originally from Western Australia, Jeff is a curator and writer working across performance, dance and the visual arts with a particular interest in interdisciplinary projects and site-specific and socially-engaged practices. At Performance Space, Jeff oversees the development and delivery of the annual Liveworks Festival of Experimental Art, as well as a range of residencies, laboratories and artist development programs. From 2006–2010 Jeff was Artistic Director of Next Wave (Melbourne), overseeing the development and delivery of the 2008 and 2010 Next Wave Festivals, as well as Next Wave’s acclaimed Kickstart development program and numerous special projects.

Jeff was Facilitator of the 2013 National Dance Forum, and sat on the Dance Board of the Australia Council from 2009-2011. In the visual arts he has been Guest Curator of NEW12 (Australian Centre for Contemporary Art) and Primavera 09 (Museum of Contemporary Art Australia). Previously Jeff has held roles at Gertrude Contemporary (Melbourne), Perth Institute of Contemporary Art and John Curtin Gallery (Perth), and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (New York). As a writer, he has contributed texts to numerous publications, exhibition catalogues, magazines and artists’projects.

Performance Space: http://performancespace.com.au/