首頁 / 台新藝術獎 / 第十四屆 / 評審委員 / 弗莉雅.蕾森 Frie Leysen

弗莉雅.蕾森 Frie Leysen

Belgian festival director and curator
Founder of Kunstenfestivaldesarts and deSingel(Antwerp)

弗莉雅.蕾森是比利時當代重要藝術節總監與策展人。1980-1991年創辦並擔任安特衛普藝術中心藝術總監,期間挖掘多位八零年代國際級藝術家,包括美國舞蹈家威廉‧佛賽(William Forsythe)、義大利的劇場導演羅密歐‧卡思鐵路奇 (Romeo Castellucci)、比利時當代舞團編舞家亞蘭‧布拉德勒(Alain Platel)等。她以獨具開創性的節目風格,帶領劇場躍昇為國際知名藝術中心。1994年創辦比利時布魯塞爾藝術節 (Kunstenfestivaldesarts),十多年來,布魯塞爾藝術節已成為比利時及國際具影響力的藝術節。2007年蕾森於阿拉伯九個城市成立Meeting Points Festival2010年應邀擔任德國世界劇場 (Theater der Welt) 策展人;2012年擔任柏林戲劇節(Berliner Festspiele) 國際節目策展人。2014年擔任維也納藝術節(Vienna Festival) 藝術總監,因理念的差異,隔年離開藝術節。現任自由藝術節策展人,近期參與韓國第一屆光州藝術節及亞洲藝術季策展,以及黎巴嫩貝魯特藝術節規劃。2003 年獲頒法蘭德斯文化貢獻獎; 2007 年獲頒布魯塞爾自由大學榮譽博士;2014年獲荷蘭頒贈伊拉斯謨獎 (Erasmus Prize)


Frie Leysen is a Belgian festival director and curator. During her term as the founding director of deSingel in Antwerp from1980 to 1991, she discovered many great artists including William Forsythe, Romeo Castellucci, and Alain Platel. Under her management, deSingel became an internationally renowned arts center with a unique programme. In 1994 she founded the bilingual Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels. In the ten years that she headed this festival, it grew into an influential festival for both Belgian and international arts. In the following years, she expanded her area of work to extend into Europe and beyond. In 2007, Frie Leysen organized the multidisciplinary Meeting Points festival in nine Arab cities. In 2010 she was curator of Theater der Welt in the German Ruhr area and in 2012, held the position of artistic director of the new festival, "foreign affairs" at Berliner Festspiele. After Berlin, she was director for theatre and performing arts at the Wiener Festwochen, but left after one edition, due to artistic disagreement. Since then she works as freelance festival maker, and was involved in the first festival and season of the Asian art complex in Gwangju, Korea, gets lost in Holland, homeworks festival in Beirut...Frie Leysen was awarded the Flemish Community Award for General Cultural Contributions in 2003 and received an honorary doctorate from the Free University of Brussels in 2007. In 2014, Leysen was awarded the 2014 Erasmus Prize.