陳郁秀 TCHEN Yu-Chiou
Chairwoman of Egret Culture and Education Foundation
President of Alliance Francaise de Taiwan
Professor at both NTNU and National Chengchi University
法國國立巴黎音樂院鋼琴(Prix de Piano)及室內樂(Prix de Musique de Chambre)第一獎畢業,為知名鋼琴家、音樂教育家、文化行政首長。曾任文建會主委、總統府國策顧問、外交部無任所大使、國家文化總會秘書長、國立中正文化中心兩廳院董事長、國家文化藝術基金會董事、國立臺灣師範大學音樂系主任、研究所長及藝術學院院長。現為財團法人白鷺鷥文教基金會董事長、台灣法國文化協會理事長、財團法人公共電視文化事業基金會董事、學學文創志業董事、誠品生活獨立董事、國立臺灣師範大學及國立政治大學兼任教授、台中市及台南市市政顧問。曾在法國、比利時、意大利、美國等歐美國家舉辦獨奏會,並與國外知名樂團:德國慕尼黑室內樂團、柏林愛樂木管五重奏團、日本名古屋愛樂管絃樂團、日本大阪交響樂團、上海交響樂團及國內各樂團如:國家交響樂團、國立台灣交響樂團、台北市立交響樂團等合奏演出。獲頒法國「國家典範騎士勳章」、法國「國家榮譽軍團騎士勳章」、法國「文化部文化藝術軍官勳章」等。著作及編著作品豐富,包括:《拉威爾鋼琴作品之研究》、《張福興—近代台灣第一位音樂家》、《音樂台灣》、《百年台灣音樂圖像巡禮》、《文化台灣》、《鑽石台灣—多樣性自然生態篇:瑰麗多彩的土地》、《鑽石台灣—多元歷史篇》、《台灣音樂百科辭書》、《行政法人之評析—兩廳院政策與實務》、《文創大觀1:台灣文創的第一堂課》、《文創大觀2:台灣品牌來時路》等。
TCHEN Yu-Chiou is an accomplished pianist and music educator, as well as a senior cultural administrator. She studied piano at the Conservatoire Nationale Superieur de Musique de Paris, graduating with first prizes in piano (Prix de Piano) and chamber music (Prix de Musique de Chambre). Ms. TCHEN has served as Minister of the Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan; National Policy Advisor to the Office of the President of the R.O.C.; Ambassador-at-large; Secretary General of the National Cultural Association; Chairperson of the National Chiang Kai-Shek Cultural Center and Board Member of the National Culture and Arts Foundation. As an educator, she has held the positions of Chair of the Department of Music, Dean of the Graduate School of Music and Dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). She currently serves as Chairwoman of Egret Culture and Education Foundation and President of Alliance Francaise de Taiwan, as well as on the boards of Taiwan Public Television Service Foundation, Xue Xue Institute and Eslite Spectrum. She is an adjunct professor at both NTNU and National Chengchi University and consultant to the Taichung and Tainan city governments. In terms of her rich performance experience, Ms. Tchen has held recitals in France, Belgium, Italy and the US. She has also collaborated with several world renowned orchestras including those overseas such as the Munich Chamber Orchestra, Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet, Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra, Osaka Symphony Orchestra, and Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and in Taiwan such as the National Symphony Orchestra, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, and Taipei Symphony Orchestra. She has received a number of prestigious awards such as the French Le grade de Chevalier dans l’ Ordre national du Mérite, Le grade de Chevalier dans l’ Ordre de la légion d'Honneur, and Le grade d’officier dans l’Ordre des Arts et Lettres. Ms. TCHEN has also written and edited many works, including Studies on the Piano Works of Maurice Ravel, The First Musician of Modern Taiwan: Chang Fu-Hsiang, Music Taiwan, Centennial Taiwan Musical Icon Pilgrimage, Culture Taiwan, Diamond Taiwan—Diverse Ecosystems: Beautiful Colorful Land, Diamond Taiwan—Diverse History, Encyclopedia of Taiwan Music, Review of Administrative Corporation: Policies and Practices of the National Theater and Concert Hall, Creative 1: First Lesson in Taiwan’s Creative and Cultural Industries, and Creative 2: Glimpse Down the Path of Taiwan’s Brands.