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「禁區的肉搏戰」- Battle under the hoop

主辦人/單位: 絕對空間Absolute Space for the Arts
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2014-01-25    結束展演日期: 2014-02-02
12:00-20:00 週二至週五 Tue.-Fri.
14:00-20:00 週六至週日 Sat.-Sun.

活動地點: 絕對空間 Absolute Space
活動地址: 台南市中西區民生路一段205巷11號






Battle Under The Hoop

Whenever I watch the basketball game, besides the moment when the players shoot the ball into the basket, I particularly enjoy watching their bodies competing against one another. Whether the tall players use their advantageous height aggressively to elbow their way over their opponents, or the short players crouch low their bodies in order to use their full strength to withstand their rivals. It is the moment that is not only the combat between the height and skills but also the fight between their spirit and will power within which the spiritual warfare overcomes the basketball concepts and theories. It is beautiful to me in the instance. It feels like something that can be grasped during the battle. This is somewhat similar to certain stage of mind while making art.

“Battle Under The Hoop” is a kind creative state that the sensibility takes place before the knowledge which intends to evoke the audience to feel instead of to read when they look at art.


活動聯絡電話: 06-2233508   

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