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主辦人/單位: 新樂園藝術空間

首次展演日期: 2014-05-10    結束展演日期: 2014-06-01
展 期:2014/5/10(六)~6/1(日)
開幕暨座談:2014/5/10(六) 17:00-19:00

活動地點: 新樂園藝術空間
活動地址: 台北市中山北路二段11巷15-2號一樓





《a piece of Scenery》Solo Exhibition by Tsai, Yi-Chieh

While our visual world is nothing left but “skins”, filled with posh but superficial sticker-like pictures, the visualized Utopia images have taken over our cravings for real home town. Moreover, deep down in our innermost, where will be the true happiness and beautifulness we long for?

“House stickers” and “scenery stickers” are my main creative themes. 
In Taiwan, whether it is in real estate or tour operating business, there is a “sticker producing” phenomenon existing in our environment and our consuming culture. Old house renovation and urban redevelopment are actively modifying the appearance of houses, changing different building materials to boost consumption. 

Moreover, tour operators use magnificent scenery images, attempting to arouse consumers’ infinite yearning for natural landscape. However, with this type to consuming process, mostly, people involved are imperceptibly losing their true experiences of our ancestors’ down-to-earth attitude and the historical thinking of housing and Mother Nature. Instead, they are served with brand-new, clean and lately-constructed houses and vividly-designed and overwhelming natural environment. These images are rampant in every corner of our society, briefly but largely cramming our eyes through billboards, magazines and the Internet. 
Therefore, I am trying to depict the “sticker” phenomenon, employing old houses, metal shacks and scenery images as creative materials to create a visual experience that the viewer, while looking at paintings, should feel that they can easily peel off either the houses or the scenery, or feel that those houses and scenery are in a hollow and superficial state. The colorful scenery in my painting is not an outdoor sketching but a processed and captured image. For me, “house stickers” and mini “scenery stickers” are the epitome of most people’s consuming desires, and the temporary “sticker” state is what I want to convey through my paintings.

Date: 2013/5/4~5/26
Reception: 2013/5/4 (Sat) 6:00 pm
Forum: 2013/5/11(Sat) 3:00 pm
Discussant: 江衍疇(北藝大教授)、吳牧青(策展人)
Slide show: 2013/5/26 (Sun) 3:00 pm
Discussant: 張晴文(藝評)Date: 2013/5/4~5/26
Reception: 2013/5/4 (Sat) 6:00 pm
Forum: 2013/5/11(Sat) 3:00 pm
Discussant: 江衍疇(北藝大教授)、吳牧青(策展人)
Slide show: 2013/5/26 (Sun) 3:00 pm
Discussant: 張晴文(藝評)



活動聯絡電話: 02-2561-1548    活動聯絡人: 曾小姐

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