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主辦人/單位: 齁空間 Howl Space
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2014-05-24    結束展演日期: 2014-05-21
Wed.-Sun., Mon. & Tue. Off, 14:00-18:00,

活動地點: 齁空間 Howl Space
活動地址: 台南市西區永福路二段163號





策展人Curator:楊子弘Yang Tzu-Hung         

參展藝術家Artists:沒有No Lodge、謝佩霓Hsieh Pei-Ni、吳宗龍Wu Zong-Long、李旻軍Lee Min-Chun、賴永霖Lai Young-Lin、楊子弘Yang Tzu-Hung

地點Venue:齁空間 Howl Space


           No.163, Sec. 2, Yongfu Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan


相關活動 Activities

開幕茶會Opening Reception

2014.5.24 (Sat) 17:00


座談Artist Talk│2014.6.21 (Sat)15:00

與談人Special Guests:張晴文Chang Ching-Wen、吳達坤Wu Dar-Kuen


衛星展場Satellite Exhibit

策劃單位Organizer:NO Lodge

展覽時間Opening Hours:2014/5/25 (Sun) 14:30~21:00

展覽地點Venue:香格里拉台南遠東國際大飯店Shangri-La’s Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Tainan

          (台南市東區大學路西段89號) 89 Section West, University Road, Tainan, 70146, Taiwan


戶外電影場次Outdoor Movie Showtimes





贊助單位Sponsors:國家文化藝術基金會National Culture and Arts Foundation、臺南市政府文化局Cultural Affairs Bureau, Tainan City Government


策展論述 Discourse


This exhibition originates from my habit to discover the unknown parts of daily life. Ever since Howl Space opened in the tranquil downtown of Tainan, I would stop by every once in a while, in the hopes of seeing a new exhibition. Coincidentally, most of the time I passed by it was closed, due to either being too early, too late, or an exhibition was being set up in there. An open field next to Howl Space made me want to stay around for while, since I was there anyway. I’ve seen many people who also did not enter the building and hanged around the back instead. It fascinates me how natural this is, as if the geographical location of Howl Space is what makes people stay. A deserted submarine docked at the back affects the surrounding atmosphere, along with the meadow, cracks on the walls, the temple nearby and the surrounding houses. Watching the scene is as if reading an essay so rich with history.



This unused land next to Howl Space was the result of land ownership disputes, a rare phenomenon in the city where every bit of the land costs a fortune. This piece of land was too small to have real economic or living value, and instead became a breathing space for the crowded city. This “wasteland” can be rightfully seen as an outdoor exhibition space for Howl Space.


所謂的「荒地」,並非單純指涉一般在荒野中的土地,我個人更樂意翻譯為「發荒(慌)的地表」,英文Wasteland較為強調的是戰後殘破大地,也顯示並非單純指涉一般的閒置空間(vacuum space),地表上殘留著人們強拆過的痕跡,強調人為的強制侵入與各種社會機制的組構;荒地似乎在某種契機下乘載過去,也期待著人們開拓未來。透過此次展覽,創作者們將了解土地,限制生產之作品皆不能帶走,或是由荒地作為一個媒介向外延伸,讓荒地以自身的姿態甦醒,使之不再發慌。 

“Wasteland” is not simply a piece of land in the wilderness. I would rather interpret it as a “land of uncertainty.” Wasteland, in English, is not a term simply referring to regular vacuum spaces, and instead usually means a deserted land torn by war. Traces of destruction, as well as intrusion by mankind and societal structures, are detectable. Wastelands carry the past, as well as the hopes for a better future. This exhibition is a conversation between the artists and the land. The artists’ works are restricted from being moved or taken, even by the artists themselves. The works remain where they are: on the wasteland. The wasteland, serving as a medium for the artworks, is awakened as itself, ending its uncertainty.






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