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Just go for super earth ─洪韵婷個展

主辦人/單位: 台新銀行文化藝術基金會
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2014-07-07    結束展演日期: 2014-08-29
2014/07/07 - 2014/08/15 (展期延長至8/29)
週一至週五 09:30-18:00

活動地點: 台新金控大樓 大廳 (1F)
活動地址: 台北市仁愛路四段118號1樓


宇宙中的「地球們」? ─與藝術談。天


座談時間|8/01 (五) 19:30-21:00
與  談|孫維新(天文學家、國立自然科學博物館館長)、洪韵婷(藝術家)
主  持|李玉玲(台新銀行文化藝術基金會藝術總監)



Just go for super earth ─洪韵婷個展

我們仰望星空。這種仰望不只來自對宇宙的好奇,同樣包括我們願望從繁星中摸索出人生存在世,與萬物間的幽微關係。在這尋找關聯的過程中,想像一直是我們的主要憑依,即便沒有身穿太空衣我們仍然可以踏著想像的天梯悠游於未知的廣袤宇宙,就如同洪韵婷作品中時常出現的光溜溜——卻堅持戴著泳帽——的小人,縱身躍進星曜閃爍的黝深裡。 洪韵婷常以天文學的發展作為題材,帶出她關注的主題:審視人看待宇宙的觀點、探問人在體系、定義的改變下如何自處。本次展覽包含三件作品,《Back to Earth?》 係藉由天文望遠鏡的模型引導觀者看進洪韵婷模擬星空的動畫,由潮汐談到地球與月亮的引力關係,引申為一個鄉愁的主題;而在《Back to Earth?2》中,洪韵婷選用了2005年第一顆超級地球被人類發現的天文學事件作為引線,進一步處理鄉愁中的矛盾情結;《We are all together》則是一段利用一個不停自轉、公轉的人,連結不停旋轉的現場與宇宙空間,企圖創造一個可以隨意改變、重新型塑的世界。(文╱鄒永珊)


2009年受邀於德國德勒斯登Ostrale國際當代藝術展覽中展出; 2010年以大師班卓越藝術家文憑畢業於德國國立德勒斯登高等藝術學院。至今,作品曾展於紐約、巴黎、柏林等地。空間和身體一直是洪韵婷感興趣的範疇,如何連結觀者的身體、展覽場域和作品之間的關係,對他來說在這些問題中的關鍵就是以往作品中一貫關注的主題:「想像」。


About the Work

We look up into the starry sky. The reason of looking up is not just because of our curiosity about the universe, but also about our desire to explore the purpose of life and the subtle connections between things. In the process of looking for the connections, imagination has long been our resort. We are able to, even without a spacesuit, travel around the unknown universe through the power of imagination just like the little guy, naked but always with a swim cap, which is a main character in her works, jumping into the star-scattered darkness. 

Hung often takes the development of astronomy to elaborate her topic of interest: to examine the universe from the human’s perspective and to explore how to behave in a world of changing systems and definitions. In her work “Back to Earth?,” viewers can see an animation about the starry night through a model telescope, which talks about tides and the gravitational force between the earth and the moon, leading to a subject of nostalgia; in her “Back to Earth?2,” Hung takes the reference of the discovery of the first super-Earth in 2005 to address the contradiction of nostalgia; and in her ”We are all together,” a person, who constantly spins and revolves, takes viewers to experience rotating spaces in the universe in order to create a changing, reshaping world.

Texts by ZOU Yong-Shan 

About the Artist
HUNG Yun-Ting exhibited at Ostrale’09, International Exhibition of Contemporary Arts in 2009 and graduated from Kunsthochschule für Bildenden Künste in Dresden for Meisterstudium in 2010. Her works have been exhibited in New York, Paris and Berlin, among others. She has always been interested in the subjects of space and body. She emphasizes how to connect between viewers’ bodies, exhibition space and the work. Imagination, which has been the focal point of her works, again plays a key role in her explorations of the connections.



活動聯絡電話: 02-3707-6955    活動聯絡人: 台新藝術基金會

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