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「無聲製造者 與其他」Silent Provider Et Al. Solo exhibition by Matti Isan Blind

Matti Isan Blind此次個展展出作品包括雕塑、攝影和以時間為基礎的物件作品,為參與草埕文化藝術工作室駐市計劃之創作。
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主辦人/單位: 草埕文化藝術工作室

首次展演日期: 2014-10-04    結束展演日期: 2014-11-02
12:00-20:00 週二至週五 Tue.-Fri.
14:00-20:00 週六至週日 Sat.-Sun.

活動地點: 絕對空間 Absolute Space
活動地址: 台南市中西區民生路一段205巷11號



「無聲製造者 與其他」 Matti Isan Blind此次個展展出作品包括雕塑、攝影和以時間為基礎的物件作品,為參與草埕文化藝術工作室駐市計劃之創作。 在台南絕對空間的展場中,「無聲製造者」(2014)為主要的展出作品,一組由17個燈泡和展場空間外一輛車的車燈相繼亮起,在展場中仿若頑皮的精靈。

Silent Provider Et Al. This solo exhibition by Matti Isan Blind displays recent works including sculpture, photography and time-based objects, commissioned by Art Square Taiwan. At the heart of the show at Absolute Art Space, Tainan, is the light installation Silent Provider (2014). Seventeen lights - including the headlights of a car parked outside the gallery - are sequenced and choreographed, corresponding with each other as if they were possessed by an impish spirit. ________________________________________________________

2014年藝術家駐市暨展覽計畫 「城市・記憶−流動的想像」 草埕文化藝術工作室在2012年首度提出「藝術家駐市計畫」,以「城市・記憶」為名、當代藝術創作為核心、城市為文本,邀請藝術家從台南這座城市的特質和文化為出發,探索並延伸自我對於城市的思考和詮釋,同時與地方和居民進行交流互動,積極邀集在地社群參與創作過程,不僅讓藝術在地生根,也喚起民眾思考我們所居住的城市,考掘與想像城市之不同面向。整體「駐市計畫」以策展的方式結合「駐市創作」、「展演」和「活動」三個部份,每年預計邀請藝術家各進駐二個月進行創作,展覽發表為期一個月,在藝術家與整座城市進行激盪和互動的過程中,亦希望藝術能打破既有空間的限制,創作的過程與作品本身能與城市產生更多互動,並與居民生活和社群有所連結,因此,展覽場域並不限制於單一或正式展演空間,而活動的舉辦,則透過開放工作室和講座等不同性質的活動規劃,期盼民眾進入、互動和參與作品的想法與展出,並企圖建構知識的平台,讓更多關於城市的思考和作品的評論等在平台之中交流、匯集,並進而紀錄和呈現整體駐市計畫的過程和內涵。

在2012-2013年這兩年期間,朱盈樺和紀紐約分別創作三組作品,從不同層面、藉由不同介質,在城市裡開展自我的身體、深入探究城市的多元樣貌,並在作品中藉由動員觀眾身體的手法和開啓想像空間的路徑,企圖喚起觀者身體的感知。今年,本計畫邀請三位創作者/策展人:紀紐約(台灣)、Matti Isan Blind(德國)、楊凱婷(台灣),來台南進行駐市創作與展演,三位藝術家/策展人曾有過多次國內、外駐村創作的經驗,此次將從不同層面回應、探索「城市。記憶」的主題,並思考城市歷史的積累與轉換、自身個體的流動與地方交集的特質。

2014 City's Artist-in-Residence and Exhibition Programme “City・Memory - the imaginations in fluidity" Art Square Taiwan first initiated its 'Artist-in-Residence programme' in 2012. Under the theme 'City.Memory' with contemporary art as the core and the city as text, the programme invited artists to explore personal reflections, thinking and interpretations towards the city and at the same time to interact with both the city and the residents through revitalizing the characteristics and culture of the Tainan city. It actively gathered the local community to engage with the creation process. Not only did this programme cultivate the art but it also awakened the public to think about the city they live in, to explore and to imagine the various dimensions of the city. The idea of the 'Artist-in-Residence programme' is to combine the three major parts: 'city-based creation', 'exhibition and performance' and 'activity' in the process of curating. It invites artist(s) to create artworks in the city in two months which are to be exhibited to the public for a duration of one month. While the artist(s) interact(s) with the city and the community, it is hoping that art functions to eliminate the spatial restrictions that conventionally exist. The creation process and the artwork produced are expected to enhance better interactivity with the city and to create linkages with the lives of local residents and community. That is the reason why the exhibition space is not necessarily a conforming or official exhibition space. There are different kinds of activities to take place in the forms of opening studios and seminars in order to invite the entries, interactions and participation of the public in the concept brainstorming and display of the artworks. The programme endeavours to construct a knowledge platform to enable further exchanges and to make available more gathering points for collecting ideas about the city and art criticisms, furthermore, to document the process and to present the nature of the programme as a whole.

During the two years between 2012 and 2013, Chu Yinhua and Chi New York created three sets of artworks respectively to explore the diverse appearances of the city through personal bodily engagements. Their works seek to arouse the audience's senses through mobilizing their bodies and opening up the path for imaginations. This year, the programme invite three artist(s)/curator(s): Chi New York (Taiwan), Matti Isan Blind (Germany), Yang Kai Ting (Taiwan) to create, exhibit and perform in the Tainan city. These artist(s)/curator(s) are very experienced in artist residency nationally and internationally. This time they will explore and respond to the theme of 'City.Memory' at different levels, to reflect upon the accumulation and development of the city's history, and to ponder over the unique nature of the fluid trajectory of their physical movements which intersect and interact with places.



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