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Red Pill 展覽

策展人: 吳虹霏
參展藝術家: 陳萬仁, 鄭亭亭, Alfredo Jaar, Clemens Krauss, Guido van der Werve
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主辦人/單位: 恆畫廊 Galleria H.
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2014-10-04    結束展演日期: 2014-11-09
展覽期間:每周二-日 1-7pm

活動地點: 恆畫廊
活動地址: 台北市新生南路一段58巷12-1號


1999年的電影〈駭客任務〉中一場經典片段,將「紅色」藥丸賦予追尋真理的行動象徵,「藍色」藥丸則成為苟且安逸的代名詞。今年三月,台灣發生震撼島國的太陽花學運,那一個流出紅色血液的夜裡,那一個眾人議論紛紛的夜裡,許多人再也不選擇沉默,吞下了紅色的藥丸,而更多人依舊冷眼旁觀。 今天,表象的民主和平背後是更隱晦的權力運作與更迫切的生存危機。相對於反抗,沉默或冷漠的現象似乎更值得討論。當代的冷漠症狀是失落的道德,是被簡約的生活目的;也可以是從平庸現實的自由逃脫與分離感,和對反抗的思考消化後的展現:我們怎麼去解釋與生俱來的渺小與無意義感,怎麼去解釋日常生產的無止盡循環,如果有限生命所有的努力抵抗終究是徒勞,如果反抗推翻了一場勢力但又形塑了另一個勢力,甚至成為被消費的文化奇觀…。 冷漠、接受的行為並非反抗的對立面,思考的停滯、一昧接受與相信被給予的真實才是精神的荒蕪空缺。


There is a classic scene in The Matrix, the 1999 Hollywood blockbuster, that red pill signifies the action in pursuit of Truth while blue pill signifies a moment’s comfort. In the March of this year, the Sunflower Student Movement shocked the whole country. At that bleeding night – the night full of gossips and whispers –, many people chose the opposite side of silence. They swallowed the red pill, but more people still stood aside. In an age pushed forward by continuous development, progress, war, and sacrifice, it seems reasonable to go with the tide. Today, hidden behind the superficial democracy and peace are the more ambiguous power play and the more urgent crisis to survive. The resistant reveals the apathetic, but the multiple identities of those being apathetic are usually disguised by the indifferent appearance. The symptom of contemporary apathy suggests the lost morality or a simplified purpose. On the other hand, it could also be the escape/separation from banality, and the visualization of how one digests and speculates on resistance: how we should explain the sense of meaninglessness and insignificance we are born with; how we should explain the endless cycle of everyday production; what if all the effort of resistance in our limited life is still in vain; what if we create another authority after taking one down; what if it becomes a consumerized cultural spectacle… Apathy or acceptance is not the opposite of resistance. Our spirits will not become void unless we stop thinking, accept the situation without questioning, or believe in the given truth.

The exhibition showcases artworks by five artists from both Taiwan and other countries. In some of works, language is not a necessary element to demonstrate the power of resistance, while other works adopt apathetic and indifferent language but still show an impressive exploration of life and a crystal clear speculation on the issue. Whether standing at the battle's Front or not, artistic expression has always offered a spark of light to illuminate the age of obscurity.


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