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小巴廊部落藝術 "以物易物交換計畫特展"


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主辦人/單位: 小巴廊部落藝術
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2014-11-10    結束展演日期: 2014-11-29
11/10(一) - 11/29(六),11:00-19:00,週日公休

活動地點: 小巴廊 4 4 G a l l e r y
活動地址: 台北市台北市大安區建國南路一段202號


以物易物交換計畫特展 - 11/10 - 11/29


" 物品是因為人 才有所謂的價值 / 價值的觀念 是人們建立起來的。 "

將物品暫時脫離外在賦予它的價值,無論是專業參考書藉或是展示陳列的方式,在這次的交換計畫特展中,強調回復到最單純的 "物" "物" 狀態。

這次小巴廊舉辦的 "啞巴交易-以物易物計畫",成功交換了11件作品,感謝所有的參與者,很高興大家喜歡這個特別企劃 。
當時的靈感主要來自於小時候彈珠交換貼紙的單純樂趣,希望透過交換來看看不同的物品價值觀。過程中會發現 "物" "物" 交換有趣的是,它不是一板一眼的定價概念。
經濟學家亞當•斯密(Adam Smith, 1723-1790) 曾指出,"在沒有貨幣之前,人們會利用七隻雞交換一頭羊,或者用一袋穀物交換一雙涼鞋。" 其實交換得不僅是物品,還有無形附加的認同、尊重及情感。

因為喜歡才會有心中的價值產生 . 如果沒喜歡就算是再昂貴的也僅存於擁有者本身 ...。

小巴廊 致力推廣部落藝術,透過這個交換企劃讓更多人認識部落藝術,很開心將這些部落作品交換到喜愛它們的主人手中,融入他們生活,帶給他們一點點不一樣的啟發與感受。

Take exchanged items back to the simplest way of the "product" condition.

" Goods has its value because of human being/ the concept of value was established by people. "

Take the goods temporarily out of the value which was defined on the outside, it does not matter with the professional reference book or the way of display in an exhibition. In this special exchange program, we emphasize to be back to the simplest way of the status of "goods" and "goods".

44gallery hold "BARTER PROJECT", thanks for every participants, we're glad you like this Special Program.
Inspiration came from pure fun that marble can be exchanged for sticker in childhood, hope to think about different reject value by exchange. And you will have fun with exchanged items which are not methodical pricing concepts. 
Before there was money, Adam Smith(1723-1790) argued, people would trade seven chickens for a goat, or a bag of grain for a pair of sandals.
In this "BARTER PROJECT" , for 44gallery, exchange is looking for the goods we like. 

The goods has value on itself because we like this goods, If we didn't like this goods, no matter how expensive it is, the value just on its owner.

44gallery dedicates to tribal art, we are glad that there are more people who know tribal art because of this "BARTER PROJECT", and these tribal artworks could be exchanged to the people who really love it. Hope these tribal artworks can make their life a little different feeling and inspiration.



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