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『散場』陳昭淵 個展

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主辦人/單位: 新樂園藝術空間
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2014-12-06    結束展演日期: 2014-12-28
展期:2014.12.06 ~ 12.28

活動地點: 新樂園藝術空間
活動地址: 台北市中山北路二段11巷15-2號一樓


『散場』陳昭淵 個展

展期:2014.12.06 ~ 12.28
開放時間:13:00-20:00 (週一、週二公休)

・ 12/06(六) 《開場》藝術家導覽
・ 12/20(六) 《過場》聯合座談 w/ 李茗哲、印卡
・ 12/27(六) 《散場》閉幕座談 w/ 蔡柏璋

- 劇終散場的那一刻,我以為都是真的。

再見軟爛的身體 / 再見分手的場景 / 再見不痛不癢的攻擊 / 再見翻雲覆雨 / 再見疑心病 / 再見背叛的證據 / 再見敵人的詛咒 / 再見昨天美好的夢境 / 再見,我愛你。

_____氣象 [meteorology] _ 04

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“ The End ” Chen,Chao-yuan Solo Exhibition

2014.12.06 ~ 12.28
14:00-20:00 (Closed on Mon. & Tue.)


・12/06(六) 15:00 - 16:00《Begins》Artist tours

・12/20(六) 18:00 - 20:00《Interlude》conference

Speakers/ Ming Teh LeeEnkaryon Ang

・12/27(六) 18:00 - 20:00《The End》Closing conference

   Speakers / Tsai,Pao-Chang


Goodbye, my dirty body / Goodbye, the breakup scene / Goodbye, the superficial attack / Goodbye, the time we make love/ Goodbye, suspicious/ Goodbye , the evidence of betrayal / Goodbye, the curse of the enemy / Goodbye, the wonderful dreams / Goodbye, I love you so much.

Recently, we have a lot of things to take to the streets. Defending the things we feel important. Join a team or a group in the parade, or even go alone, would like to get an identity. We cluster sound, articulate ideals in mind, let the energy of these beliefs grow, we worry together , to resist together , to celebrate together, cry together, passionate together, but often after the end of carnival-style activities, but a kind loneliness, like most of the animals sad after sex, it almost instantly see the light of hope in the end is true or false? Will we have just played a show fit?

"The End" is the fourth work of Meteorology Programme, work is a combination of multi-dimensional complex mediums or ready-made objects, Linked by our emotional experiences in recent years, and several social activities symbolic attempt to interpret the presence of the private sphere in the same time. To face my personal history, and also record our memories of these years. Hoping everything between us can foresee a new paradise.


活動聯絡電話: 02-25611548    活動聯絡人: 新樂園藝術空間 譚小姐

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