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『THE KING'S POSTURE - 王者之姿 騎士展』

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主辦人/單位: 小巴廊部落藝術
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2014-12-06    結束展演日期: 2015-01-03
2014.12.6(六)11:00 - 2015.1.3(六)19:00

活動地點: 小巴廊 4 4 G a l l e r y
活動地址: 台北市台北市大安區建國南路一段202號


『THE KING'S POSTURE - 王者之姿 騎士展』

2014.12.6(六) - 2015.1.3(六)





『 THE KING'S POSTURE - Exhibition Of Knight 』

2014.12.6(Sat.) - 2015.1.3(Sat.)

The earliest meaning of refers to horsemanship, which is a symbol of statue and class. It constitutes "chivalry" in Westerns and it makes the modern European focus for individual identity and honor, emphasis on grace, spiritual civilization and appearance manners.
For advocating Spiritual ideals and respecting for women with romantic temperament, and abiding by open competition, the spirit of fair competition.

In knight literature, knight is always brave, a symbol of loyalty, every knight abide by the code of conduct for chivalry, like hero, European chivalry is also similar to the Japanese samurai system. 
In the Middle Ages, knight is the cavalry who did military training, then evolved into a honorary title. It is used to represent a social class. However, the charm of the ancient knights are from their honor and they vowed to provide services and protection.

It a long time ago, in the tenth century, horse was introduced into West Africa, Sudan from North Africa. In their minds, horse is considered that it can make their country more stronger, let the king and local leaders to strengthen a strong regime, make great effect on the prosperity and development of the entire region. So the horse is a symbol of authority in tribal.

In African tribal artworks, combining parts of the animal statue figure can be seen as a supplement, amend or used to represent the people of a particular expectation.
And African sculpture is without limiting any shape , it is with their creativity and beauty. In the shape, knight statue is elongated proportions, it's humor seems to knight have already gone to the journey. Besides, knight statue of Africa doesn't limit to ride on horse, it can be crocodile, dog, guardian beast and so on. Different combinations also add a lot of fun and creativity.

Though knight are slightly different symbols in Africa and Europe, but the same meaning is that the similarity is that their spirit of protecting homeland is equally strong.


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