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「這青春」─ 蔡淑惠刺繡複合裝置計畫

The Youth ─ An Embroidery Installation Project by TSAI Shuhui

首次展演日期: 2014-10-26    結束展演日期: 2014-12-28

活動地點: 台北當代藝術館
活動地址: 台北市大同區長安西路39號





艱困的處境,一年、一年過去…,有一天覺得舒服、享受了,才發覺繡上了癮! 在我生命經驗中,最驚喜和震懾的部分來自大自然。我想男女之愛也是屬於大自然的一部分。也許是刺繡時的沉寂,讓我重新面對了曾經歷的一段戀情:從我的身體經驗開始,慾念竄流的交衝糾葛,兩次墮胎的傷痛咎責。這邊體會狂喜,那邊身陷囹圄。兩端極端矛盾的情感衝擊,交織穿引成一件件自傳式創作。透過刺入穿出的手工針線勞動,吐洩身心的情累,沉澱清澄心念感知,為20年前的一段戀愛捧拾繡縫。嘗試在一次愛戀的舛誤後,一針一線再摸索出自己的輪廓,像是誕生了一個又一個孩子。


Artist Statement

As long as there is a passion, there is youth. 

In 2004, I was diagnosed with schizophrenia which could only be treated by regular medication. Being discharged from the hospital, I led a routine life with embroidery handwork. It was not easy at the beginning with my clumsy hands – neither could I thread nor hold a needle properly, leaving me with piles of tangled threads. Even if a piece of embroidery was barely made, I would find some problems that I had to unthread and redo, stitch by stitch, day by day, until the work was completed.

The moment I walk out of those doomy days, I feel relieved. I also realize I am addicted to embroidery!

My experiences in life have taught me that the Mother Nature inspires us with awe and wonder. To me, the intimacy between men and women is also part of the nature. The quiet moment during embroidery allows me to confront a relationship I once had: it incited my body to untamable desires as well as invincible pain and guilt caused by abortion twice. At times I was ecstatic but most of the time struggled. Two conflicting ends pulled off each other and interweaved into works of my own stories. Through the process of stitching, sufferings rooted in my soul for two decades have been discharged and a serene state of consciousness is reclaimed. Due to the mistake in love affair, I attempted to discover myself again by needles and threads. I created my works as if I gave birth to my children.

Nowhere on earth can I hide anymore. Therefore, after twenty years, I take this exhibition, The Youth, as an annotation to the time of passion and devotion as well as a celebration of my carefree and releasing soul. Embroidery is a journey that turns a tragedy in life to a comedy. A quote from Chinese writer Luxun crosses my mind: I see land for cultivation in woods; I see plantation in wilderness; I see wells dug in deserts.

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