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主辦人/單位: 自由人藝術公寓
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2015-01-29    結束展演日期: 2015-02-14

活動地點: 自由人藝術公寓
活動地址: 台中市北區五權路594號


“The wind changes its direction again.”The elder fisherman looked at themoving clouds, sighing for the unstable weather nowadays. The Tao, the aboriginal in Lanyu, possesses the unique ocean cluture, and from generation to generaion, they are self-sufficient and hold their life aloof from the world based on Kuroshio Current (a.k.a. black tide). However,under the influences of modernization and globalization, the Tao is unable to sit on the sidelines anymore. The monsoon sends the aboriginal to Taiwan for a living, and brings a large number of tourists to Lanyu. Lanyu is no longer Lanyu. In the generation of cultural loss and self-conscious disorder, which direction will the hurricane of times bring Lanyu to? Through this photography exhibition, we can witness the life in Lanyu, and the stories written by tradition and modernization.
拍攝理念/The idea of photography :

I used to think that a camera is a communication bridge between the world and me. However, this bridge becomes a barrier in Lanyu. The Tao are already tired of the cameras; to them, shotting is disrespectaful, and the camera lens seems to steal something from them. What I did in Lanyu was living a life, making some friends, diving together, and listening to their stories. Occassionly, I used my camera to record the moments, and left some notes for those moments.


活動聯絡電話: 0987444957    活動聯絡人: 曾小姐


《轉風》與《人像計畫》 [2015 特約評論人] 陳韋鑑

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