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同步游移Mobile Time/Body Imaging

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主辦人/單位: 新樂園藝術空間
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2015-01-31    結束展演日期: 2015-03-01
2015/ 01/31~03/01 (農曆年間不開放)

活動地點: 新樂園藝術空間
活動地址: 台北市中山北路二段11巷15-2號一樓


同步游移Mobile TimeBody Imaging


策展人/ Curator黃盟欽 Huang Meng-Chin

協同策展人/co-curator 陳冠帆 Chen Kuan-Fan

參展藝術家/ Artists

Mateusz Dzierżyński(波蘭)

Anna Orlikowska(波蘭)

王妤安Wang Yu-Ann

李佩玲Lee Pei-Ling

黃章裕Huang Chang-Yu

黃盟欽Huang Meng-Chin

施威任Shih Wei-Jen

梁以妮Liang I-Ni

陳永賢Chen Yung-Hsien

鄧雯馨 Teng Wen-Hsin


展出地點/ Venue:新樂園藝術空間SLY Art Space


No.15-2, Lane 11,Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104

週三至周日/ Wed.-Sun. 13:00~20:00 , TEL: 02-25611548

展出日期/ Duration:2015/ 01/31~03/01 (農曆年間不開放)

開幕表演/ Opening :2015/01/31(14:00~14:30)

專題座談/Forum:2015/ 01/31(15:00~17:00)

   呂佩怡Lu Pei-Yi (北藝大美術學院兼任助理教授)

    羅禾淋Luo He-Lin (世新大學數位多媒體設計學系兼任講師)



「時間機器」的觀念常被應用於電腦硬碟分割區的系統控制,而面對儲存介面的理論應用於新媒體藝術,Mark B. N. Hansen特別指出,「身體」是一個計時器(time machines),因其生理時鐘的循環,以及時間增長致使其結構產生變化。延伸此觀念,把時間概念植入科技儀器之中,猶如計時器到工業用機械,無處沒有計時速度的概念。再將身體時間導入新媒體藝術,那麼,時間在自然法則裡扮演如何角色,特別是穿越時間光速之際,進而生產出人文思維與新媒介流動影像的對話。因此,接收訊息與情感作用的感知時間,彼此間的構成與非神經意識的過渡時間,是否等同於機器時間?面對當下環境,透過科技新媒體媒材,終日無所不在且圍繞於每個人身體的時間,身體時間是否能被理解為一種無意識的要素?特別的是,「同步游移」藉此藝術家觀察人們的感知是如何被時間影響,以及提問:從過去到現在的生活經驗,機械時間如何滲透到身體時間的感知系統,以及地理空間消失之後,如何開啟人類經驗到機械性的對話?又如何重新織造屬於身體? 

本策展「同步游移」(Mobile Time/Body Imaging)集結國內外藝術家,以新媒體觀點,共同探討科技時代的身體雙重軌跡。主要探索在於錄像與圖景的過渡,包括時間、空間、位移等過渡重構的架構。另外,也將觸及移動身體的觀念與意象,探知媒介改變身體影像的感知交互作用,藉此探討存在時間中的雙核心議題,以及科技生活中的身體影像。


The concept of the “time machine” is often used in the allocation of computer hard drive partitions. Faced with the theory of applying saving interfaces in new media art, Mark B. N. Hansen has specially pointed out that the “body” is a time machine, because the cycles of the biological clock as well as the growth of time produce changes in its structure. By extension, planting the concept of time  within technological devices can be guessed to be like placing a time machine within industrial machinery, there is nowhere without a means of calculating the speed of time. If body time is introduced to new media art, then, the kind of role time plays in natural laws, particularly on the border of passing the speed of light, produces a dialogue between human thought and the new medium of motion pictures.Due to this, is perceptual time, in which information is received and emotions take effect, a form of time without structure and non-nervous awareness, equivalent to mechanical time? Faced with such an environment, can time, which is omnipresent and surrounds every individual's body, be understood as a kind of subconscious factor through new technology and new media? In particular, “Mobile Time” uses this to observe how human perception is influenced by time, as well as asking: how does mechanical time permeate the perceptual system of body time in our life experience from the past to the present, as well as asking how human experience can be opened to dialogue with the mechanical? And how can it be once again woven into the body?

Taiwanese and foreign artists have gathered for Mobile Time/Body Imaging, using the perspective of new media together to explore the body's dual trajectory in a technological age. This exploration is mainly done in the transition between recorded images and future prospects, including the transition and reconstruction of structure in time, space, and displacement. Further, the concept and image of the body will be touched and shifted, tracing the mutual perception of media changing one's body image, and using this to explore the two core issues of temporal existence, as well as body image in technological life.

活動聯絡電話: 02-25611548    活動聯絡人: 新樂園藝術空間 譚小姐

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