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『 景.物 / SCENE .OBJECT 』 小巴廊 x 葉怡利

小巴廊與當代藝術家合作展 / 部落藝術與當代藝術的相遇
開幕茶會:2015年02月07日 (sat.) 15:00
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主辦人/單位: 小巴廊部落藝術
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2015-02-07    結束展演日期: 2015-03-28
展出時間:週一 ~ 週六: 11:00 - 19:00
開幕時間:2015年02月07日 (sat.) 15:00

活動地點: 小巴廊 4 4 G a l l e r y
活動地址: 台北市台北市大安區建國南路一段202號


『 景.物 / SCENE .OBJECT 』 

小巴廊 x 葉怡利





部落藝術( Tribal Art) 在亞洲是非常少見的領域,但在歐美國家卻已經成形有百年以上的歷史。 
受到先前於北美館展出的《帕克特 x 藝術家─220件合作計畫》所啟發,期待透過藝術家合作的可能性,產生更多面向的藝術角度。 

In 20 century, the great masters such as Picasso, Brancusi, Matisse... had a different kind of characteristic in their creations due to the inspiration of tribal art.
In 2015, the contemporary artist Yeh Yi - Li, What kind of inspiration will she find from the tribal art to capture elapsing unreal time between natural, object and people by scene restructuring in coagulation time......

Yeh Yi-Li
I have been artistic creation over the past decade, and I go resident abroad every two or three years, then every the scenery of the residency often appear in my Video Art works.
And this exhibition is divided into two parts. The first part is Video Art works (African island residency in 2011 and Damyang Korea residency in 2014), and the other part is sculpture which is scene restructuring about my memory has inspired by African tribal art in 2014.
I went mountain climbing in spring 2014, Taiwan's highest peak--Jade Mountain , Summer Artist in Residency in South Jeolla Province Damyang~ Bamboo, South Korea, Damyang is a bit kike Takeyama Town, Nantou, Taiwan, is not only a small village but also a scenic spot. I spend much time for contacting with nature this year, suddenly there is a lot of time to breath, sitting by the river listening to the sound of water and seeing the scenery every day, although it is different from listening to the sound of the car and the city noise in the past, speed of time is different too, all this beauty is so comfortable but no sense of reality.
I contacted with African tribal in 2014, in abstract artworks, as Frog man statue or combined with the extension from different kinds of role modeling, it accidentally opened the inspiration of the artworks. So I attempted to make SCENE and OBJECT in order to scene restructure from my memory, it is Zen in woods, stones river, mountain wild animal, people in pavilion, there are beautiful scene memory in my head, but it make split contrast to my real life, actually these beautiful scenery which make me escape from reality, beautiful scenery has ever existed but it is no sense of realistic, it's a kind of bubble, I tried to scene restructure by coagulation time, and caused space- time misplaced. Where are SCENE and OBJECT ? I attempted to capture elapsing unreal time between natural, object and people.

44 Gallery 
Established in 2007, 44 Gallery dedicates to popularize the tribal art and tries to find the connections with the contemporary art by different kinds of topics.
Tribal Art is not common in Asia, but it has developed over hundred years in Europe and America. 
Inspired by the exhibition《PARKETT–220 ARTISTS EDITIONS & COLLABORATIONS SINCE1984 》which is organized by Taipei Fine Arts Museum, 44 Gallery starts 
to think over the chance of cooperating with artists.


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