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『 CRISS-CROSS 』 小巴廊 x 張騰遠

小巴廊與當代藝術家合作展 / 部落藝術與當代藝術的相遇
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主辦人/單位: 44GALLERY.小巴廊
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2005-04-04    結束展演日期: 2005-05-02
展覽時間:4/4~5/2, 11:00~19:00


小巴廊與當代藝術家合作展 / 部落藝術與當代藝術的相遇 


小巴廊 x 張騰遠

展期 2015 4/4 - 2015 5/2 
時間 週一 ~ 週六: 11:00 - 19:00
Opening 4/4 Sat. 3pm (開幕茶會)


如果放大再放大生命的時間軸,鸚鵡人和小巴廊,就像是兩段特定的時空,在一個點上交錯,並發生變化。 這三年之間,我以假設性的未來考古為主要概念,發展鸚鵡人地球考古系列(Earth Archeology),透過對未來末日的想像,思考當代社會的各種現象。 想像在千萬年後,地球上什麼事情依然存在並有效?當代高價的藝術品是否還是“高價“?現在覺得開心的事情,千萬年後還有著同樣情緒?是否真的有恆久不變的事物? 外星文明鸚鵡人,在地球末日千萬年後,來到地球進行考古。鸚鵡人靠著考古期間挖掘到的各種遺跡,研究並判斷地球的文明樣貌。在我的設定中,我刻意以鸚鵡作為主要角色,是因為鸚鵡會學人的語言聲音,但他們並不是完全地了解所模仿語言的意思,具有誤解的象徵。因此,鸚鵡人在地球考古的過程中,除了觀察之外,也靠著模仿來解讀(誤讀)地球人各種行為的意義,而我也靠著鸚鵡人不斷地誤解,來標注出各種我認為有趣又荒謬的當代現象。 這次的小巴廊的聯名合作展,就像是兩段特定的考古時空,在一個點上交錯,並發生變化。鸚鵡人在未來考古,研究“以前(即我們的當下)“,小巴廊的部落藝術收藏,像是當下考古過往。當這兩段時空的作品,交錯相會在同一時空,即產生互相對話,相互詮釋的機會。 又或許,我們在大螺旋狀的前進過程中相會了,在互相影響並產生變化之後,又繼續往各自的螺旋方向前進。

部落藝術( Tribal Art) 在亞洲是非常少見的領域,但在歐美國家卻已經成形有百年以上的歷史。 
受到先前於北美館展出的《帕克特 x 藝術家─220件合作計畫》所啟發,期待透過藝術家合作的可能性,產生更多面向的藝術角度。 
這次邀請到當代藝術家張騰遠,以不同於現代的思維,透過虛擬的鸚鵡人來表達對於生活周遭或是對於當代藝術的看法。期待這次的合作展,藝術家張騰遠會以什麼角度來看部落藝術,或是帶給他什麼不同的想法, 希望能在兩個不同的藝術領域—當代藝術與部落藝術之交集中,互相挖掘對方的極大可能。

Collaboration with Contemporary artists / When Tribal art meets Contemporary art

44 Gallery x Chang Teng Yuan

In 20 century, the great masters such as Picasso, Brancusi, Matisse... had a different kind of characteristic in their creations due to the inspiration of tribal art.
In 2015, the contemporary artist Chang Teng Yuan , What kind of inspiration will he find from the tribal art and what kind of spark will be rubbed through alien civilization parrot's perspective.... 

Chang Teng Yuan 
If I enlarged timeline of life, parrot men and 44 gallery are just like two specific space-time, crisscross at the point, and change. In three years, I depended on hypothetical future archaeology as main concept, developed alien parrot men the series of Earth Archeology, thinking of various phenomena in contemporary society by the imagination of the end of future. Imagine about millions of years after, what are things still existed and valid on Earth? Is contemporary artwork still at a high price? The things I feel happy now, does it still have the same sentiments thousands of years later ? Is something really immutable?
Alien parrot men came to thousands of years after the end of the world, they came to do research on the civilization used to be Earth by digging various relics in terms of archaeology

In my setting, I purpose choose parrot as the main characters, because the parrot can learn human language sounds, they don't completely understand the meaning of the language of the imitation, and have misunderstood symbol. Therefore, during the earth archaeological excavation, parrot except discovered, also know( misunderstanding) various meaning of Earth, and I also depend on parrot men constantly misunderstanding to label a variety of contemporary phenomenon that I think it fun and absurd. 

This collaboration is just like two specific archaeology space-time, crisscross at the point, and change. The parrot men are archaeological excavation in future, reach "past" (it's right now), tribal art collection in 44gallery is like a archaeological past in the moment. When these two space-time 's artworks crisscross at the same time, that are opportunities for mutual dialogue and mutual interpretation. Maybe, we meet in the process of moving forward with large spiral, and after we impacted and made a difference by each other, we kept going to each spiral direction.

44 Gallery 
Established in 2007, 44 Gallery dedicates to popularize the tribal art and tries to find the connections with the contemporary art by different kinds of topics.
Tribal Art is not common in Asia, but it has developed over hundred years in Europe and America. 
Inspired by the exhibition《PARKETT–220 ARTISTS EDITIONS & COLLABORATIONS SINCE1984 》which is organized by Taipei Fine Arts Museum, 44 Gallery starts to think over the chance of cooperating with artists.
this time we invite artist Chang Teng Yuan, he uses innovation thinking through suppositional parrot men to express opinion of life around and Contemporary art.
we expect what kind of perspective will artist Chang Teng Yuan think about tribal art and it will give him what kind of different inspiration in this collaboration, hopes to find out the potentiality of each other with two different art area—contemporary art and tribal art .

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