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《鑽牛角尖》吳筱瑩創作個展 Obsessive Works – Hsiao Ying Wu Solo Exhibition

開放時間:週三(WED.)-週日(SUN.) 13:00~21:00
展覽地點:自由人藝術公寓 Freedom Men Art Apartments(台中市五權594號)
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主辦人/單位: 自由人藝術公寓
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2015-07-02    結束展演日期: 2015-07-18

活動地點: 自由人藝術公寓
活動地址: 台中市北區五權路594號


開放時間:週三(WED.)-週日(SUN.) 13:00~21:00
展覽地點:自由人藝術公寓 Freedom Men Art Apartments(台中市五權594號)














I have always wondered if I am composed by two different parts of brains. Sometimes I spread paints madly; sometimes I am really obsessed with the details. It’s like half of me is shaking my head with the loudest music, eager for losing my marbles; the other half of me is standing still like a doll, as quiet as it could be.

The common point of the two selves is Obsession. One needs to get rid of the obsession, and the other one needs to submit to it.

Ob·ses·sion n.

  1. Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety.
  2. A compulsive, often unreasonable idea or emotion.

Art definitely is related to Obsession. Without obsession, what can we achieve in the art field? Being obsessive to art and life is not a bad idea; I think people can’t really figure out all doubts and questions in our lives. Some people try to find the answers from religions, some are struggled all lifelong. I don’t mind suffering or being confused, actually those elements really make our lives interesting and flavorful.







這樣的反差豈不是非常迷人嗎? 你所以為的某人,在現實中卻是截然不同的。又或者那看似虛擬的幻象,才是他內心的真實呢?我所創作的,多半是這種正與反ˋ同與異,尤其「表裡不一」更是我所鍾愛的。




Artist statement/

I have always obsessive in drawing/painting twisted images and weird animal-like figures. My canvases are the stages for the characters I created. They present the condensed condition which I observed from my daily life. My ideas come from almost everything, like books, fictions, films. , music, art, friends, families…. I love all stories about the imperfection of human beings. We are complicated, we don’t live in the world defined by only black and white, and I mostly enjoyed the grey area.

I also love the fact that the new technology leads us to the wider gap between our real lives and our facebook/instagram lives (etc.). Everyone is a brand now; we create our brand via the social media. We select and filtered the emotions/thoughts, and then we publish the information we want people to know about us.

What we see online most of time is totally different from the reality. This confliction really interests me, so that my project is usually about emotions& confliction from “the common people”.

The Artistic obsession with observing people and our real lives is never a bad thing, is it.




吳筱瑩 Hsiao-Ying Wu

2012-2014 彩繪帆布商品品牌Happy Together與Little Ying 於耐斯彩虹市集,中正大學藝文市集,檜意森活村等地販售.Built the brands selling hand-painted bags ”Happy Together” &” Little Ying”, Chiayi

2010 Member of Bayswater Road Art Market, (London, U.K.) 駐點畫家

2006-2009 Camberwell College of Arts, BA Painting (London,U.K)

2005-2006 University for the Creative Arts( Maidstone ), Foundation(U.K.)


個展Solo Exhibition

2010 個人藝術展, 東區戶政事務所, 嘉義, 台灣

Hsiao-Ying Wu Solo Exhibition, East District Household Registration Office, Chiayi city, Taiwan.


聯展 Group Exhibition

2015 女性外貌身影-從自我凝視開始, 台灣女性藝術協會The Image of a Woman's appearance -start from Self-gazing ,WAA House, Taipei, Taiwan

2015 當代藝軌-嘉義市鐵道藝術發展協會會員聯展,嘉義縣協志工商 Annual Group Exhibition of Chiayi Railway Art Development Association, Sieh Chih Vovational High School,Chiayi, Taiwan

2015 吳筱瑩&徐皖華油畫聯展,嘉義市大同技術學院 Hsiao-Ying Wu& Wan-Hua Hsu Painting exhibition, Tatung Institute of Technology,Chiayi, Taiwan

2014 當代藝軌-嘉義市鐵道藝術發展協會會員聯展,嘉義縣協志工商 Annual Group Exhibition of Chiayi Railway Art Development Association, Sieh Chih Vovational High School,Chiayi, Taiwan

2014 當代藝軌-嘉義市鐵道藝術發展協會會員聯展,嘉義市立博物館Annual Group Exhibition of Chiayi Railway Art Development Association, Chiayi Municipal Museum, Taiwan

2010 ‘Painting & Sculpture Exhibition’ Candid Arts Trust Centre, London, U.K.

2009 Camberwell College of Arts Degree Show, London, U.K.

2008 ‘140’ Area 10, Camberwell Art Cluster Show, London, U.K.

2008 ‘Myths and Monsters ‘, Group Exhibition & Charity Auction, King’s College Hospital, London, U.K.




靈感源自於個人生活的點滴 、書籍 、電影、旅行、所見所聞… 對人與人之間各種喜怒哀樂、荒誕無稽、酸苦無奈、身不由己、脆弱卑賤…等感觸極深,試著以線條畫或抽象的色彩交疊呈現出各種思考對應的面相。畢卡索如是說 "The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls."藝術的功能在於洗滌每日生活的塵埃。之於創作者而言,創作也具療癒的功能,使無法書寫、無法口語表達的那些感觸,朝外尋求可降落的一塊淨土。

從抽象出發, 帶入半具象的形體, 化為半人半獸的組合,呈現人性中的獸性和往往超出掌控的行為或情緒 ;變形的飛鳥走禽 ,是身在各種處境中的化身; 不自然的人體 ,是我們看似自然狀態卻實際不然的糾葛掙扎; 尖銳的表情刻畫 ,是情感中難以壓制抹滅的一瞬; 或以色彩繽紛的色塊與幾合線條的交織刻劃出各種思緒空間的模樣,歡喜、慾望、惆悵、憤怒、哀傷…等。




My inspirations are from my personal life, books, films, trips, stories from friends and families… I am particularly interested to the Emotions of people. When we face all kinds of situation, no matter it’s positive or negative, what feeling do we have? How do we cover up the real feeling inside of us? Also, what are the real words we want to say but we couldn’t? I present these ideas from semi-expressionism and abstraction.

Picasso said, “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls."

Art can cure our souls by expressing the things we can’t write down, or replacing the words we couldn’t find.

The birds and animals I painted are playing roles of us. The wired and twisted figures are telling how much we struggle as we pretend like nothing has happened. All faces on my paintings are the proofs of the real emotion.

Expressing the reality under the masks and the grey area under our souls is the main road for me to realize more about myself and people.


活動聯絡電話: 0987444957    活動聯絡人: 曾小姐

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