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主辦人/單位: 僑福芳草地畫廊·台北(Parkview Green Art Taipei)
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2015-08-09    結束展演日期: 2015-10-09
展覽日期:2015/08/09 – 2015/10/09
開幕茶會:2015/ 8/9(日)pm15:30~17:00
開放時間:TUE-SUN am11:00-pm19:00 (週一公休)



僑福芳草地畫廊·台北(Parkview Green Art Taipei)繼北京芳草地展覽館、北京芳草地畫廊、北京芳草地畫廊798、上海芳草地畫廊、香港芳草地當代藝術中心後,台北畫廊2015年3月初進駐於台北仁愛圓環的精華地段。僑福集團秉持著「深耕在地,放眼國際」的企業願景,各部門間橫向資源整合共享,以及區域的在地化特色經營。台北畫廊也以誠懇、專業、樂於分享藝術的心情,持續的推動亞洲當代藝術,與兩岸三地的藏家、藝術家、廣大的藝術愛好者共創繁榮的盛景。


Exhibition Subject: Spiritual Field
Date of Exhibition: August 9, 2015 - October 9, 2015
Host of Exhibition: Parkview Green Art Taipei

Opening Hours: TUE-SUN am 11:00-pm19.00 (Monday Closed)
Address of Exhibition:
1F., No. 115, Sec. 4, Renai Rd., Daan Dist.,
Taipei 10689, Taiwan, R.O.C. 
TEL: +886 2777-2585 FAX: +886 2777-2580
E-Mail: gallery.tp@parkviewgreen.com

Parkview Green Art Taipei was launched at the down town area of Taipei Ren-Ai Road junction at the beginning of March, 2015, following the foundation of its sister galleries: Parkview Green Art at Beijing, Parkview Green Art 798, Parkview Green Art Shanghai, and Parkview Green Art Hong Kong. In the first period we insist on the running principle of "Intensively cultivate local culture with an international viewpoint" by sharing the horizontal integration of every sister gallery's resource, and indulging in developing friendship with each local area. The purpose of Parkview Green Art Taipei is to promote the Asian contemporary art in an earnest, professional and sharing way and further create a prosperous future for cross-strait artists, buyers and art lovers.

Our gallery space designation is not only using traditional solid wall to separate each art works, but also combine compound elements and multiple hierarchical separations to create new space usage visualization and home-like warmth compartments yielding a friendly visit distance for guest.

We, Parkview Green Art Taipei, would like to be a bridge and bosom friend between the artists and the enormous art lovers. Our mission for public is to discover the talent artists in Chinese and Taiwanese society, and focus on supporting Asian and international contemporary fine arts , therefore gradually expose outstanding Artists and art works to international society and win their confirmation.

This is the commence exhibition as opening exhibition of Parkview Green Art Taipei, we will host the first exhibition for pan-Asia artists from different art groups, and reciprocally display their art works to raise an interesting art influence among these groups.

The subject of this exhibition named as "Chi Stage" means in open mind stimulating the mutual influence of the artists, who come from different grown-up environments and life styles with peer generation, and sparkle the splendid glitter and inner mood movement in the art field. The word "Chi" means personal characteristic and some sort of individual beautiful image perception. The word "Stage" means the physical movement of finite zone and capacity, the artists nursing and training by different local culture environment show us their personal art taste and describing skill at their art works. In the same social background of art works, we can see their manner of facing the art and life, their questionnaire and exploration to this dynamic change era and world, development of mutual brain-storming, and resonance.  

The Chinese artists show us their character of strength and abundant creativity, Taiwanese artists show us their numerous phases of art works and delicate enthusiastic mood, and the extremely realistic creative way of Korean artist. All these kinds of art works are gathered in this show.

Parkview Green Art Taipei earnestly invite you and your friends from everywhere come together to participate this vivacious and artful show. "Chi Stage", as a continuous growth entity of contemporary fine arts, not only stimulates the creative motive of our artists, but also attracts art lovers like you from anywhere to join us, further make art as a new faith of our daily life.

活動聯絡電話: +886 2 2777-2585    活動聯絡人: 簡莉蓉

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