首頁 / 藝術雷達 / 藝術動態 / 竹圍工作室夏季工作室開放日:時間–空間–人間 Bamboo Curtain Studio Summer Open Studio: Time, Space, and People
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竹圍工作室夏季工作室開放日:時間–空間–人間 Bamboo Curtain Studio Summer Open Studio: Time, Space, and People

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主辦人/單位: 竹圍工作室
活動類別: 展覽 , 戲劇 , 其他

首次展演日期: 2015-08-22    結束展演日期: 2015-08-22

活動地點: 竹圍工作室
活動地址: 新北市淡水區中正東路二段88巷39號









Do you remember the twelve-season calendar from BCS’s project Art As Environment: A Cultural Action at the Plum Tree Creek? The idea of time is developed from dividing a full circle into 12 equal parts; while the sense of space can be observed from the seasonal harvest of fruits and vegetables and from the rise and fall of tides. Time and space together shape the history and culture in Zhuwei, creating everyday context for the people living in the area. The concept of Time, Space, and People is proposed by Professor Huang Jui-Mao. Huang illustrates a space-people connection that is inseparable from the progression of time in the Zhuwei area. His interpretation suggests art practices be sensitive to the unique circumstance of a specific place and time. A contemporary language and discourse could moreover be applied to ground the activities that would take place within the local community.

So this is how we would like to think about our relationship with Zhuwei, BCS, and the artists that we work with.

Time is constant but easily forgotten nowadays. People no longer rise with the lark and go to bed with the lamb. Daily schedules with flexible hours of mealtime, work time, and sleep time are adapted. A seasonal fruit can even become perennial. Time is turning into something malleable and even convenient, but no longer accumulative: wisdom from the past seems to loose its significance because the idea of time does not matter much to us anymore.

A space can be a site or a building. To BCS, “artists and their works” form space.

Time is constant, but ticks away by the second. We ask our artists to build their own spaces and look for/interpret the connections between time and people. The spontaneous actions and reactions of the viewers and participants to the art pieces enhance such connections. How would one understand time and one’s self through the spaces that the artists create?

This summer, BSC invites you to come and think about Zhuwei’s time, space, and people.


藝術家 Artists:Anjo BolardaMarika Constantino、Orange Lin、Rajyashri Goody十指幫 The Finger Players(王健松 ONG Kian Sin、翁惠敏 ANG Hui Bin)王佩瑄 Pei-Hsuan Wang李智陽 Jee Yang Lee身聲劇場 Sun Son Theatre林晏竹 Lin Yen-Ju丘智華 Chiu Chih Hua張慧婷 Stephanie Chung張瓊如 Joan Chang陳正勳 Chen Cheng-Hsun(依筆畫排序)

指導單位 Advised by:文化部 Ministry of Culture

協力單位 Support by:1a space、98B 合作實驗室 98B Collaboratory、Angela Gill Johnson Award、Arts Collaboratory (DOEN Foundation and Hivos)、KHOJ、台北市政府文化局 Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government、台新銀行文化藝術基金會 Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture、京畿道創意中心 Gyeonggi Creation Center、非舞之人影像工作團隊 None-dance studio、香港西九文化區 The West Kowloon Cultural District、香港城市當代舞團 City Contemporary Dance Company、夏日志工與實習生(Volunteers and Interns)、郭維志先生 Mr. Kuo Wei Chih、新北市竹圍國小(Zhuwei Elementary School)、新北市坪頂國小(Pingding Elementary School)、舞蹈生態系創意團隊 Dancecology(依筆畫排序)

網址 Website:www.bambooculture.com

地址 Address:新北市淡水區中正東路二段88巷39號 No.39, Ln. 88, Sec. 2, Zhongzheng E. Rd., Danshui Dist., New Taipei City 251, TAIWAN.交通資訊 How to get here


活動聯絡電話: 02-8809-3809    活動聯絡人: 李小姐

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