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活動類別: 舞蹈 , 其他

首次展演日期: 2015-10-09    結束展演日期: 2015-10-11


關於In-Version Dance Project│

In-Version Dance Project是一個兼具研究、錄影與現場演出的計畫,由舞者、教師兼編舞家Alvin Rangel先生領軍,呈現新興的編舞創作作品;他為當代舞蹈創立了一個新的平台,見證個人與集體藝術經驗的交流。這個計畫包含製作與呈現適合傳統演出場地的舞碼,並嘗試各種演出場地的可能性,此外更積極與視覺藝術家、攝影師、音樂家、設計師和作曲家進行跨領域的合作。

In-Version Dance Project is a dance ensemble that presents dance from emerging and established choreographers. It contributes to new platforms for contemporary dance that bear witness to the human experience, while engaging individuals and communities in the experience of art. The repertory includes productions and performances for traditional theater venues, as well as in alternative spaces. In-Version Dance Project aims to establish multidisciplinary collaborations with visual artists, videographers, musicians, designers and composers.


阿根廷探戈,就像一齣激昂熱情的戲,由男舞者的陽剛和女舞者的嬌柔氣質相互交織而成美麗的雙人舞。探戈在今日已經廣泛被認為是一種異性的雙人舞,少有人去注意到,在發展的早期,常常是由兩位男性舞者一同搭檔,去學習、精進他們的技巧。它的起源,和20 世紀早期的阿根廷生活息息相關,特別是在布宜諾斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires) 的貧民窟;在那裏,文化、種族、階級、性、特權之間的張力直接相互撞擊,而這些火花都被帶入探戈舞蹈中。

In-Version Dance Project是一個兼具研究、錄影與現場演出的計畫,由舞者、教師兼編舞家Alvin Rangel先生領軍,根據多年的研究與探索,以純男性的角度詮釋Tango。身為拉丁美裔男性,傳統期待的形象是陽剛、強壯,在此次節目中,包含Tango Vesre [Inverted Tango]、Bodhichitta、MILONGUEROS(影像)等舞碼,由純男性視角審思性別角色、性別認同、男性形象等議題;三位經歷不同、背景不同的拉丁美裔男性編舞家,兩位舞者,將帶領觀眾領略探戈之舞不同的風貌與精隨。

Being a Latino man has traditionally been understood in terms of being "macho"– that is, exhibiting a strong posture of assertiveness, dominance, and personal rigor. This performance of "The Male Perspective" provides a framework for understanding how we understand masculinity and contribute to broader discussions about masculinity. The works in "The Male Perspective" provide alternative perspectives over generalized assertions of what it means to be a "man" or "masculine" through the artistic and choreographic voices of three Latino choreographers who engage with various social, political, historical and spiritual concerns amidst their Latin American culture.


舞碼與製作團隊Program & Artistic team│

Bodhichitta (2014)


A solo work that embodies a warrior of transcendence, that captures the struggles of a male figure caught in the binaries of living life through asset of religious/philosophical principals and his human temptations. The choreography is inspired by Eastern religious philosophies.

編舞Choreography:Alvin Rangel & Chelsea Neiss
舞者Performer:Alvin Rangel
音樂Music:Bachar Mar-Khalifé
服裝設計Costume Design: Joel Christopher Gensler
技術/燈光導演Technical Director/Lighting Designer) :Benjamin Jawkins

Espera o Despedida (2015)

編舞家Ricardo J. Garcia 2015全新編創,世界首演。

編舞與舞者Choreography and performer:Ricardo J. Garcia

音樂Music: Susana Zabaleta

服裝設計Costume Design: Ricardo J. Garcia 

技術/燈光導演Technical Director/Lighting Designer) :Benjamin Jawkins

Milongueros (Dance film) (2015)

這是一段包含五段探戈舞蹈的影音片段。Milonga是喜愛探戈者聚集在一起跳舞的聚會,Milonguero(女生則為Milonguera)指的則是那些經常去舞會(milonga)並且極其喜愛探戈的人。影片中的舞者們,數十年來都一起跳舞,每一對舞者都有屬於他們的個人舞蹈特色。影片在具有歷史意義的Patriotic Association拍攝,透過「影片」'這樣簡單而直接的傳播方式,希望能記錄探戈身為阿根廷流行不衰的傳統、創意來源,與其身為人類非物質文化遺產的價值,並將其精神傳遞出去。

"This is a video-dance where five pairs of milongueros perform. A milonguero is an assiduous amateur tango dancer at a milonga. A milonga is where tango lovers gather to dance tango. The milongueros in the film have been dancing together for decades and enjoy prestige among their peers; each pair has developed their own style of dance that makes them unique. The space chosen for the video recording was the Patriotic Association, a historic building in Buenos Aires, which is scheduled to be restored next year. The idea of the video is to place the dancers within the building, in its current state. The building's current conditions evoke a sense of mystery and magic. The film pays sensible tribute to the value of tango in popular Argentine traditions, popular creativity and tango as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Tango embodies and encourages diversity and cultural dialogue. This film, a simple approach to display and disseminate, has the power to facilitate the diffusion of tango dancing by its most genuine exponents in a suggestive framework and with a strong visual impact." -Alejandro Cervera

Liliana Rodríguez – Jorge Rodríguez – Thomasina Gabriele – Juan Ventura Esquivel – Silvia Mucci – Alfredo Alonso – Elsa Quatrocchi – Julio Duplaa – Elina Roldán – Jorge Manganelli
攝影指導Director of Cinematography:Cayetana Vidal
導演Film Director:Alejandro Cervera

Tango Vesre [Inverted Tango](2012) 

藉由現場演出聚焦100年間(1910~2010)純男性探戈在布宜諾斯艾利斯的演變。這齣舞碼包含兩段雙人舞:Parallel Tango和Bound Tango。以傳統探戈美學為框,探討權力、平等、邊緣化、性別角色、性別認同、接納、拒絕和男性舞者肢體美等議題。

This is a dance performance that through live performance spotlights a 100-year evolution of all-male tango dance in the Buenos Aires of 1910 and 2010. Tango Vesre includes two duets, Parallel Tango and Bound Tango. Although the work is framed within the Argentinean Tango aesthetics, the performance puts into motion issues of power negotiation, equality, marginalization, gender roles, sexual identity, acceptance, rejection and male dancing bodies.

Part I.

Parallel Tango
編舞Choreography: Alejandro Cervera
舞者Performers:Alvin Rangel & Ricardo Garcia 
音樂Music: Juan D'Arienzo
服裝設計Costume Design: Alejandro Cervera
技術/燈光導演Technical Director/Lighting Designer) :Benjamin Jawkins

Part II.
Bound Tango
編舞Choreography: Alvin Rangel
舞者Performers:Alvin Rangel & Ricardo Garcia 
音樂Music: Astor Piazzolla
服裝設計Costume Design: Alvin Rangel 
技術/燈光導演Technical Director/Lighting Designer) :Benjamin Jawkins




藝術總監Alvin Rangel與舞伴Ricardo J. Garcia兩位波多黎各裔的美國男舞蹈家,長期研究探戈的起源與演變,藉由歷史影像與現場表演,不只展現傳統探戈的迷人風采,更是加入了其他舞蹈形式如芭蕾,接觸即興,等多元的雙人舞蹈變化。動作細膩流暢,2013 年看過之後,印象深刻,回味無窮。值得學習任何舞蹈的愛好者細細品味。


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