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《枘 鑿》毛友文創作個展 THE RUI-ZUO A solo exhibition by MAO YO-WEN

展覽日期: 2015.11.05- 2015.11.22
展覽地點:自由人藝術公寓 Freedom Men Art Apartment
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主辦人/單位: 自由人藝術公寓

首次展演日期: 2015-11-05    結束展演日期: 2015-11-22

活動地點: 自由人藝術公寓 2F
活動地址: 台中市北區五權路594號


展覽日期: 2015.11.05- 2015.11.22
展覽地點:自由人藝術公寓 Freedom Men Art Apartment(台中市五權路 594 號)



「一官寥落誤儒紳,枘鑿方圓迕世情。」                明吾邱瑞《運甓記棄官就辟》








毛友文 Mao Yo-Wen

私立復興商工 美術科系
國立台灣藝術大學 書畫藝術學系

2013年 日本明治神宮外苑 TAGBOAT ART 參展與研修
2013年 墾丁春天音樂季 現場即興創作
2014年 THE WALL 與 藝人保卜 音樂結合展出
2014年 台灣藝術博覽會 展出
2015年 台南市么八二 「糖視症」毛友文個展

2013年 日本明治神宮外苑 TAGBOAT ART 優選
Exhibition Introduction|

“One officer scattered, unable to appeals and out of tune in the world."

From “Resigned officer transport the tile." Wu Chiou Ruei-Ming Dynasty

Life. People always obedient society defined ideal walking track, without thinking to believe, and that is the only way. The road may appears struggle, if ignored this message and obedient, whether we will forget thinking? Whether we had been assimilated? If self-identity can not be balanced, whether we will into circulation among suffocate?

This exhibition motive is the artist retired military service and vent emotions. Army regular pace, unnecessary rules, disciplinary board, as a microcosm of society. It looked like a training camp ahead into the community, can not resist, can not escape, the only option is to comply with the rules of the game. The artist realized that the time and the importance of freedom,

ease internal and external strong impact through music melody, transformed into creative release inherent desire for rendering on the paintings.
Creative concept|

Add and Subtract

Canvas plus paint, layer by layer stack, each one representing a different thought my face (subconscious). Pass through the engraving machine slowly through each point of the expression of emotions at different depths (surface consciousness). Repeated subtraction step, and slowly so that the screen to get comfortable with the balance. It is a way to express the self. I’m addicted to it traces fascinating seemingly out of control, out of control that can not be copied, inimitable lines, it is so unique, exclusive appearance for a mind.

Point‧Circle and Track

In geometry, the point is invisible, it is defined as non-existence of matter. It usually defined is zero. But point amplification was round, it is both the beginning and the end, is an infinite loop cycle. Point and round like a music notation at different depths and locations secret path through the melody chisel. A little attention will be on track, leaving a unique accident record, that perhaps the trajectory out of tune on the road. It was good memories, but also track his own exclusive print.
Fu-Hisn Trade and Art Schoo
National Taiwan University of Arts

2013 AGBOAT ART Exhibitor ,Japan
2013 Kenting spring music festival invited to live improvisation
2014 The Well Music combined exhibit
2014 Taiwan Art Fair exhibition
2015 Tainan 182 , Mao Yo-Wen 「Sugar Visual」

2013 AGBOAT ART Preferred

活動聯絡電話: 0987-444957    活動聯絡人: 曾小姐

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