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主辦人/單位: 自由人藝術公寓、新樂園藝術空間
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2015-12-16    結束展演日期: 2016-01-03

活動地點: 自由人藝術公寓
活動地址: 台中市北區五權路594號



自由人藝術公寓 Freedom men Art Apartments:(台中)
新樂園藝術空間 SLY Art Space:(台北)
House of Bricks:(墨爾本)
富葰藝術中心 Flugent Art Gallery:(澳門)
碧鍪藝術 BM Art:(北京)



The 4th Super-Novart – International Young Artists Exhibition- An international contemporary Art exchange event to be look forward to. 

Freedom Men Art Apartments is proud to announce the “4th Super-Novart – International Young Artists Exhibition” held in 2015 will be even more comprehensive than ever before, in addition to having Shin Leh Yuan Art Space as a co-host, it will be a first time collaboration between 4 countries, 6 art galleries and 21 artists from around the world to exhibit and showcase their work internationally from December 2015 to January 2016, in different regions around the world, without any language barriers, building exposure of Taiwanese contemporary artist extensively, at the same time, the audience in Taiwan can enjoy the artistic creations from other cultures.

For being a domestic exhibition before, this time the “Super-Novart exhibition” will be laying fresh foundations to expose the new generation artists to other countries thriving for cultural exchange, and to provide different platforms for the young artists to express themselves. Collaborating with the accomplished Shin Leh Yuan Art Space from Taipei along side the one and only Freedom Men Art Apartments in Taichung, the planning span nearly over a twelve-month period. The experienced Shin Leh Yuan Art Space was established more than 20 years, they have crafted the ideal collaboration framework and proposal for the International Young Artists Exhibition, and Freedom Men Art Apartments used their expertise for international resource bringing together the cross-boarder collaboration. As we invited active and well-known galleries from China, Turkey and Australia, we hope to promote cultural exchange and facilitate extensive future collaborations.

The 4th Super-Novart focuses mainly on the collaboration around the Asia-Pacific area, including Taichung, Taipei, Beijing, Istanbul, Macau and Melbourne, the 6 cities together composes a gigantic geographical triangle with many interlinking points. 

|About “Super-Novart”|

“Super-Novart” was founded by the Freedom Men Art Apartments, also being one of the most important event of the year, it will continuously move Taiwan towards to the international contemporary art scene, and developing a force to be reckoned with.

|Exhibition Space Introduction|

Shin Leh Yuan Art Space 
(Taipei, Private non-profit)

Shin Leh Yuan (which means New Paradise) Art Space is an artist's collective-operative gallery. Established in 1995, it's now on the seventeenth year. Members' change takes place every two years. In this way, we try to input new experience and experiment to both the creation of artwork and the operation of the art space. The core idea of running this space is to make it as a container, to infuse or to diffuse, to let things happen flowingly and flexibly. We hold exhibitions every month, along with artist slide shows and various art talks. 

Freedom Men Art Apartments 
(Taichung, Private non-profit)

Freedom Men Art Apartments is a complete city apartment, completing the challenge of putting ‘Residence - Creation - Exhibition' together, having different functions on each story, including studios, performance space, classrooms, etc., Providing the artists their needs, such as the space to create, converted into a perfect place for artists to create and work on their crafts. In addition, holding exhibitions that generate international exposure yearly like the “Super-Novart” and "Nomad Artist Residency”, which builds powerful connections across the world.

Flugent Art Gallery 
(Macau, Commercial Gallery)

Flugent Art Gallery is committed to bringing cultural and creative ideas from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and Mainland China all together under one roof, as well as expanding local artists’ visibility and exposure to international audience through participation in various international art fairs. Actively hold art exhibitions; workshops and conferences. Operating as an agency for art collectors, curators and academic institutions, we aim to enhance and cultivate a better environment for the art market in Macau and support local artists and collectors alike. New gallery space is planned to open in Taipei on January 2016.

BM Art 
(Beijing, Commercial Gallery)

BM Art was founded in 2012, Beijing's first residential apartment and commercial gallery. Holding many experimental art exhibitions, supporting original art practice and relies on the promotion of international art exhibitions, with like-minded young artists and art patron peers.

(Istanbul, private non-profit)

Maumau is designed to accommodate and provide space for production for artists, writers, curators and researchers, for both local and international artists. The main idea of maumau art residency is to provide the residents an artistic environment in which they can work on their own projects and also to allow them having the experience of working together with other residents from different artistic domains. Maumau art residency also encourages the residents to collaborate with local during the artistic production.

House of Bricks 
(Melbourne, private non-profit)

Established in 2011, it is a combination of gallery exhibition space, artists' studios and cafe, mainly to promote young artists in Australia, including music performances, for more diversity with the use of space. The founder of House of Bricks is a young artist, through continuous exhibition arrangements with seasonal residency program, ensuring the space is full of vitality and has been awarded as the prestigious creative space in Australia.



活動聯絡電話: 0987444957    活動聯絡人: 曾小姐

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