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關渡美術館「2017 POWER SHOW 11 申請展」徵件至3月18日止!

主辦人/單位: 關渡美術館

首次展演日期: 2016-02-01    結束展演日期: 2016-03-18



「2017 POWER SHOW 11 申請展」 徵件至3月18日止!





(一) 申請資格:從事藝術創作、策展之個人或團體,本國籍或外國籍均可。

(二) 申請日期:2016年2月1日至3月18日截止,審查結果預計於4月初公佈及通知。

(三) 展出內容:申請展覽之主題、內容、媒材及展出方式不拘,以具有原創性及特色之申請者優先考量。恕不接受學生畢業展、學期成果發表等展覽內容之申請。


1.     填寫「國立臺北藝術大學 關渡美術館『2017 POWER SHOW』申請展 計畫書」。

2.     申請作品之文字與圖片資料均需以數位化資料送審(文字資料請以windows office系統word檔;圖片資料請以jpg檔或tiff檔儲存,解析度以300dpi以上為佳;影片檔請以mpeg、avi、mov或mp4等檔案格式送審)。

3.     請至國立臺北藝術大學關渡美術館官網:http://www.kdmofa.tnua.edu.tw下載申請文件及參考資料,並以電子郵件方式寄送,Email:kdmofa.tnua@gmail.com(請於電子郵件「主旨」欄註明:『2017 POWER SHOW』申請展 計畫書)





Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts encourage and promote multiple art creations and activities, and aim to accelerate interchange among different disciplines.  Each year we invite artists and curators to apply for exhibitions, herewith to support contemporary arts in Taiwan.The open call starts from today till March 18th, we encourage both individual and groups artists to apply.


1)    Eligibility:Open to all artists. Both individual artists and groups are encouraged to apply.

2)    Application Dates:

From February 1st, 2016 – to March 18th, 2016.  The final result will be announced in the beginning of April.

3)  Eligible Contents:

a. KdMoFA welcomes applications from any subjects, contents, and media.  Works with innovation and originality will be precedent and foremost considered. 

b. Applications from students’ graduation exhibitions are not accepted.

4)  Materials to Submit:

a. KdMoFA 2017 POWER SHOW Application Form.

b. PowerPoint files with texts and images of works. (Please save texts in Windows Office Word document.  The images MUST be jpeg or tiff format, and larger than 300 dpi.  Videos MUST be mpeg, avi, mov, or mp4.

c. All materials will only be accepted via EMAIL. Please email to: kdmofa.tnua@gmail.com  (Subject: “Application for 2017 POWER SHOW”)

5)   For any further questions, please contact us by email at kdmofa.tnua@gmail.com or contact us during working hours at +886-2-28961000#2432 Mr. Chang.


【附件 Attachment】


A. KdMoFA「2017 Power Show 11 申請展」申請書 (Application Form) [中文] [EN]

B. KdMoFa關渡美術館展場平面圖 (Floor Plan of KdMoFA) [Gallery 402] [Gallery 201]



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