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我在.巷弄間 (Random Places)趙湘瑋個展

此次個展展出趙湘瑋於2013 - 15年間,自居家附近的街巷出發,一路穿梭遊走,不斷的探索、內省、修習,與自己的影子對話,累積而成的創作成果。

主辦人/單位: 新樂園藝術空間
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2017-05-27    結束展演日期: 2017-06-18
2017/5/27(六) - 2017/6/18(日)

活動地點: 新樂園藝術空間
活動地址: 台北市中山北路二段11巷15-2號一樓


此次個展展出趙湘瑋於2013 - 15年間,自居家附近的街巷出發,一路穿梭遊走,不斷的探索、內省、修習,與自己的影子對話,累積而成的創作成果。






此系列影像刻意略過當地特有的地標, 僅從無名的街道、圍籬、泥牆等城市要件中建構出視覺美感,並藉此特質與觀者產生聯結,傳達無論身居那一個城市,縱使在平凡的日常巷弄間,如果能夠用心思考、專注當下,不僅能在平淡無奇的現實生活中尋獲視覺感動,也提出一種可能性,若能全神貫注,每一個尋常的經驗都能轉變成真實而美麗的剎那。


Nowadays, with well-developed transportation and flourishing information technology, people take pleasure in travelling. In fact, travelling abroad to enjoy vacations at a variety of exotic destinations has become a great delight longed for by people in their hustle and bustle modern life. However, what I concern about is: “Do we think that beautiful scenery only exists in far-away places and cannot be connected with our daily life?”; “Do we have to lay our perception of beauty on the shelf after coming home from travelling?”; “Is it possible to find beauty in every ordinary scene we encounter in our daily life if we maintain the same mood that is ready to appreciate beautiful scenery as the one we have when travelling?”. This series of self-dialogues has inspired me to explore the neglected scenery in my neighbourhood. Specifically I have roamed among the lanes and alleys within an area no further than 10 blocks from my residence in search of the unseen extraordinary places in my everyday life.


Through the “Random Places” series, I have transformed each of my daily walking activities into a journey of self-exploration. “What is beauty? How can I perceive the beauty in the ordinary scenes along the paths?” Through constantly strolling along the streets in my neighbourhood and carefully exploring their styles and features, I gradually notice an atmosphere of simplicity and tranquility among them. By making use of the relativity among subjects in the frame and the crossed real and imaginary scenes in the light and shadows, I have experienced the charm between reality and visions and drawn a new contour for daily beautiful scenery. 


Intentionally avoiding particular local landmarks, I constructed visual aesthetics from anonymous streets, fences, walls, etc., through which I tried to make a connection with the viewers and convey the idea that no matter what city we live in, as long as we think carefully and focus on the very moment, we will be able to find visual sensation in our plain and dull real life among ordinary lanes and alleys. I also tried to raise the possibility that as long as we are mindful enough, we can transform every ordinary experience into a realistic and beautiful moment.


活動聯絡電話: 02 25611548    活動聯絡人: 林先生

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