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”TAIPEI·SINGAPORE“ Solo Exhibition by Ni Jui Hung

Once I heard the host of an online music radio show talking about his experience in Taipei: “Taipei is a fascinating place. Because it is small, you can get to know a person in no time, and he will open a door for you. Another person you meet will take you to another room. When you close the window, excited, you will accidentally get a glimpse of its dark side.”

主辦人/單位: 十方藝術空間
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2018-01-26    結束展演日期: 2018-01-28




Art Stage Singapore 2018 



Solo Exhibition by Ni Jui Hung




Taipei •Singapore 


The title “Taipei•Singapore” originated from the name of a community in remote rural Taipei. At the entrance of the community stood a miniature copy of the Merlion, both projecting the progress, order, and tidiness Singapore represents in Taiwanese people’s minds and giving the plain reality a tad of otherness, a slightly exotic feeling. My experience with Singapore is limited. Two years ago, my friends and I traveled together to visit a high school classmate who then worked at Singapore’s Changi Airport. I stayed there for ten days, and during that time, I compared Taipei and Singapore from a tourist’s perspective. I found Singapore highly efficient. Their streets were clean and pleasant. Their shopping malls had charming lighting, and the air-conditioning was cool. I asked my friend who worked in the airport, “Don’t you think Singapore is a place without ghosts?” Perhaps I was used to the chaotic yet orderly pace in Taipei, so when facing the strong order in Singapore at that moment, I started missing Taipei. Perhaps I did not stay in Singapore for long enough to offer too many comments. All I can do is to express to you the Taipei I experienced. 


Once I heard the host of an online music radio show talking about his experience in Taipei: “Taipei is a fascinating place. Because it is small, you can get to know a person in no time, and he will open a door for you. Another person you meet will take you to another room. When you close the window, excited, you will accidentally get a glimpse of its dark side.” 


Born and raised in Taipei, I did not truly realize, until I left it to live in another place and viewed this city from a distance, the meanings of the space, time, and generation I was situated in. After graduating from university at the age of 22, I moved back to Taipei. I did not look for a regular job. Instead, I was like a city flaneur, placing myself in one after another social group, extremely eager to explore this city. Invading a new interpersonal network was intriguing and exciting, but at the same time exhausting. I was often anxious about missing out on something. 


I adopted painting as the medium to organize my thoughts and to record the context in daily life. Those are what the live videos of cellphones cannot capture: the atmosphere, sound, and color of a space, and the desire and emotions flowing underneath. Most of the time, Taipei is dirty. During the rainy season, it is cold and endlessly depressing. On sunny days, when the sun shines on an old five-story apartment building that has not undergone urban renewal, I study the intricate designs of an architect’s balcony under a window covered by a cage, and the moss in the gaps of the tiles. Walking on the streets in the East District, staring at the brilliant and fashionable men and women, smelling the potions from family hair salons, and seeing the big hospital being crowded on a regular day, I feel at ease. This is Taipei. 

活動聯絡電話: 02-25915296    活動聯絡人: 吳小姐

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