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活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2018-02-28    結束展演日期: 2018-03-31


2.28 – 3.31.2018
開幕 Sun 2.25 15:00
開放時間 Wed – Sat 14:00 – 20:00
+886 2 2599 3630

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“Last night I dreamed I was giving birth. My belly was huge, swollen under a tan, tight-fitting dress, and my water had just broken. There wasn’t much pain. No anxiety either. If anything I was irritated by the absence of the father to my child. My own father was there though, he had no idea what to do. We got in a taxi and headed for the hospital. At the entrance I realized I had forgotten to make an appointment for C-section: this womb was cut open a few years back and could not withstand the pressure of natural births, so I’d been told. My father was clueless. He disappeared into the back of a guestroom. I had to talk to a nurse with my pulsing belly to arrange an operation. A doctor and a room are available, she said, quite a prestigious obstetrician too. Grace tends to fall upon me when things are going to shit. I felt a lingering sorrow waking up, wondering where the hell the father to my child was. –Fathers 08082017”

“昨晚夢見我在生小孩。羊水剛破,滲透淺褐色的緊身連衣裙,巨大的肚子從裙底爆出。沒什麼痛楚,也沒有焦慮,唯一的不適大概是找不到孩子的父親。但我的父親卻在身邊,他完全搞不清楚狀況。我們坐車到醫院,大門前才驚覺忘記預約剖腹產:聽說這個子宮在幾年前被割開過,無法承受自然分娩。父親不知所措,消失在客室的角落。我挺著顫動的肚子獨自安排手術,剛好有一個醫生跟一間空房,櫃台的護理師說,醫師還蠻有名的噢。片刻的恩惠總在鳥事炸開快爛掉的時候掉落在我身上。醒來,早晨遺留淡淡哀傷,這孩子的父親到底他媽的在哪。 –Fathers 08082017”



王佩瑄個展《傲寒》 --- 陳韋鑑

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