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【羅莎的傷口】Rosa’s Wound

活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2017-02-18    結束展演日期: 2017-02-18

活動地點: 台北當代藝術館
活動地址: 台北市大同區長安西路39號










_ <凝結Coagula> 保羅‧策蘭


Your wound
too, Rosa
And the hornslight of your
Romanian buffaloes
in star's stead above the
sandbed, in the
talking red-

—"Coagula," Paul Celan



Jewish poet, Paul Celan, was a survivor of concentration camp and an expatriate. In Goagula, Celan connected Rosa Luxemburg, the character Rosa in Kafka's short story, A Country Doctor, and his former girlfriend, Rosa Leibovici Therefore, "Rosa" is no longer just referred to an individual but acquired a symbolic meaning associated with buffalos and the survivors of Auschwitz, uniting all the oppressed victims of unique sensibility in the poem while enveloping all the personal and collective wounds. The poet used "wound" as a symbol to "coagulate" the remote time, space, and memory; and by doing so, personal memory travelled through time and revealed a profound historical dimension. Thus, the wound is not Rosa's anymore, but a shared, common, collective wound of us all.



Rosa's Wound adopts the imagery in Goagula, and transforms the "wound" into a Split that connects "time - space" as well as "individual - collective," allowing audience to glimpse into how violence and trauma have transfigured and persisted in our society. The "wound" reveals how human vulnerability has reflected our co-existence and need for one another, invoking our social responsibility to shoulder one another's pain. It invites us to contemplate on the idea of how "I" could become "we" in a changing "time - space" and between the differentiated "individual - collective." The exhibition pays attention to survivors of colonization, the Cold War, authoritarian regimes, and neoliberalism and their offspring, and revisits the invisible and indescribable history and memory from a different perspective, exploring how affective aesthetics triggers our reflection about our co-existence. It allows us to respond to other's traumas and cope with increasing violence today without letting indifference and prejudice reinforce the structure of violence and trauma.



Nevertheless, as Susan Sontag has reminded us, "we" is a pronoun that requires to be constantly examined. Under different conditions and circumstances, "we" is often evoked as an imaginary collective to serve dissimilar ideologies. It is similar that, with different stances and arguments, the term "human rights," which denotes absolute justice, might give strength to strong prejudice and make it even more unbreakable in certain circumstances. How we could sidestep the trap of unmindful sympathy and identification is another aspect that this exhibition intends to explore when thinking about memory and the politics of emotion.



In the name of art, Rosa's Wound expects to discuss the complex Asian historical context and status quo, echolocating its evasive boundary and discovering a path with imagination. It is a way that enables us to transit from an individualistic body to a social and historic one, which carries our shared sorrow and suffering in history. It uses memory as the politics of resistance and transcends the contingency of incidents, deconstructing traumas and sublimating them through aesthetics.


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