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傾城之戀 Love in a Fallen City

主辦人/單位: 主辦單位:新竹市政府。承辦單位:新竹市文化局。策展單位:沃沃美學
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2018-05-10    結束展演日期: 2018-07-29
2018/5/10(四)-2018/7/29(日) 9:00-17:00 (免費參觀,每週一休館)




【傾城之戀Love in a Fallen City】

▶ 展期|2018/5/10(四)-2018/7/29(日) 9:00-17:00 (免費參觀,每週一休館)
▶ 地點|新竹市美術館(新竹市中央路116號)
▶ 客座策展人|蕭有志
▶ 參展藝術家|李國民、陳伯義、鍾順龍、劉芸怡、張立人、廖柏丞、蕭有志 x Candy Bird
▶ 開幕記者會|2018/5/14(一)11:20









塗鴉藝術家Candy Bird與建築創作者蕭有志合作的作品《街頭探險家》,想像了一個在大街小巷晝伏夜出的塗鴉客,以改裝的摩托三輪車為居所,平日熱衷探索城市中各種被人們遺忘的角落,也在城市中撿拾各種不同時期的生活用品支持日常所需,他在街頭創作,也在街頭生活,他的創作狀態與生活狀態,忠實的反映著他所居住的城市狀態。


Visiting Curator|HSIAO  Yu Chih

In those cities that man once loved, people are hustling for their work at the bustle of daytime. Then, the light showers refresh the dust of the cities in the afternoon. People stroll on the street and enjoy the leisure time after a busy day at dusk. Back at sweet home, people share different stories together at night. People fall in love with each other in the bustling cities while grow old in the tranquil cities.

What people might not be aware of is that cities they once loved are also organism. With the desire and eagerness for happiness, constructions of metal and glass are built, while buildings with stones and tiles are torn down at the same time through. The cities may age slowly, be forgotten little by little and at last be abandoned in the remains.

There is a group of artists who live in those cities once loved by people.

These artists are the observers and the recorders of the cities. In their world of art, they even act as the creators of these illusionary cities. Among these artist… 

The artist LIU Yun Yi recorded those once gorgeous western-styled buildings in her series of artwork ''The Vanishing Portraits''. As we gaze at these images, we may wonder how these glittering buildings could ever be abandoned, while being overwhelmed by the cruelty of the ever-changing life from the art work.

The artist CHEN Po I filmed the process of dismantling the commercial building that was once bustled but then collapses in Tainan. In the artwork ''Li-Hao Motel'', these luxurious rooms represent the stereotypical image of the Love Motel at that time. The images seem to tell us that the wonderful today shall pass away, but the wonderful yesterday may transform into a new pattern in photography.

The artist LEE Kuo Min, who is an expert in the photography of architecture and interior design, accumulates a number of space design works. In his artwork ''Model House & Sample House'', he edited the documentary photos of interior design in typology way. In the large contrast reading, the images produce newer messages, making the viewer rethink what the value system of aesthetics behind the production process of contemporary space is and where it comes from.

The series of photographic artworks ''Civilized Landscape –The Marker'', created by the artist CHUNG Shun Lung, records the process of huge traffic construction in the cities and those monuments which represent the continuous expansion of the cities. The images are not only a mixture of violence and aesthetics of artificiality, but also a sign of human desire for a better future.

The artwork ''Oblivion'', created by the artist LIAO Po Cheng, melts the luxurious Taipei City directly. The barely visible reality and the landmarks of the city are mixed in a surreal way. We may consider that the artist has created another Taipei City which is strange but also familiar. It is either an urban legend or a prophecy of precaution.

The artwork ''Battle City'' by the artist CHANG Li Ren presents the scale models of the streetscapes in Taiwan. Observers are thus engaged in the ridiculous battle in this realistic but imaginary city. In the scenes of this artwork, collective memories are played and the scripts written in parallel space are told. We are woven in the unavoidable battle with no escape.

The graffiti artist Candy Bird and the curator HSIAO Yu Chih imagined a graffiti artist character that lives in a modified motor tricycle, creating the co-artwork ''Street Explorer'' based on the imagination. The graffiti artist was always fascinated by exploring the forgotten street corners in the cities and by collecting those daily necessities from different period. He lives and creates on the street. The condition of his creation and life truly reflects the state of the city. 

In this exhibition, the curator HSIAO Yu Chih gathers these artists who wander and imagine in the cities they love. These artists catch the scenes of those beautiful falling cities and the memories of floating illusion with their profuse love. Their most concerned and distorted love for the cities is all revealed in the images and the creations, which are captured, created and modified by these artists through their eyes.  

活動聯絡電話: 03-5247218    活動聯絡人: 新竹市美術館

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