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2018大內藝術節「Should We Play?─放空現實」

本屆大內藝術節邀請知名新媒體策展人曾鈺涓教授,以活潑輕鬆且具有反思的主題「Should We Play‭?」作為核心議題。

主辦人/單位: 大內藝術特區、大觀藝術空間
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2018-10-06    結束展演日期: 2018-11-04
2018.10.6(六)- 11.4(日),週二至週日(週一公休) 10.30-18.30




2018大內藝術節「Should We Play?─放空現實」

本屆大內藝術節邀請知名新媒體策展人曾鈺涓教授,以活潑輕鬆且具有反思的主題「Should We Play?」作為核心議題。「Play」指的是玩,是遊戲,是啟動,而隨著時代更迭、科技進步中變化,數位時代的play鍵,帶領眾人進入幻境。然而,「玩」逐漸被視為玩物喪志的行為,我們沈溺於數位載具所帶來的歡愉,存在於真實與虛擬的混雜生活,也在玩樂與工作的共存情境中,尋找慰藉。在此藉由「Should We Play?」這個提問,引導民眾重新反思,希望民眾透過展覽討論「玩」的記憶,希冀能重啟「玩」的期待與想像。




Should We Play?討論「玩」的記憶,希冀能重啟「玩」的期待與想像。大觀邀請到六位藝術家顧世勇、汪曉青、黃文琳、許惠晴、蔡佳礽、郭佩奇共同參展於本藝術空間「放空現實」的展場,透過藝術作品呈現「放空現實」,藉由思考個體面對現實情境中的責任,如何調適與放空自己的情緒,尋回玩的想像,將生活的日常與責任變成「玩」的策略,在有意識的過程中,無意識的連結內在現實與外在現實,並將知覺印象轉化為一種精神自療的機制。


大內藝術節「Should We Play?」,將在107年10月6日於隆重開幕,展覽時間至107年11月4日止。大觀藝術空間於開幕當日將邀請三位藝術家黃文琳、許惠晴、郭佩奇與策展人曾鈺涓教授蒞臨現場,相關資訊與內容請詳見大觀藝術空間臉書粉絲專頁。




大內藝術節「Should We Play?」-大觀藝術空間展場「放空現實」

展期|2018.10.6- 11.4

記者會|10.4 14:00 X 學學

總開幕|10.6 15:00 X尊彩藝術中心




開幕|10.6 16:00-17:00


開放時間|週二至週日(週一公休) 10.30-18.30







Daguan Gallery is delighted to be joining this year’s Taipei Art District as one of the main exhibition venues under the main theme “Should We Play?”. We are honoured to be presenting the works by six artists: Ku Shih-Yung, Wang Hsiao-Ching, Huang Wen-Lin, Hsu Hui-Ching, Tsai Chia-Jen and Kuo Pei-Chi, which are to displayed under the sub-theme “Escaped Realism”.


Renowned curator Professor Tseng Yu-Chuan uses the topic “Should We Play?” as the main theme to this series of exhibitions. “Play” indicates playing, to play games, to start something, and is also the most important key in this digital era, for it takes the players into the world of technology. However, the action “play” seems to be strongly associated with an action which takes one away from reality and leads one to immerse in the world that cannot be further away from reality. The question “Should We Play?” inspires the audience to rethink the action and the memories which are associated with it.


Daguan Gallery presents the works under the sub-theme “Escaped Reality”. As one grows older and builds up one’s life, and the word “play” becomes the subject that does not make it on the priority list in one’s busy life. The days of dreaming and playing had become a distant memory. One is encouraged to “accept the reality”, as a mission, the day it is completed would never come.


“Should We Play” takes on one’s memories with “playing” and encourages one to recall the expectations, imaginations and responsibilities related to it. The sub-theme “escaped realism” transforms the reality of one’s life into imagination.


The exhibition “Should We Play” will open on Saturday 6th October, and run in various venues until 4th November 2018. Artists Huang Wen-Ling, Hsu Hui-Ching, Kuo Pei-Chi and the curator Tseng Yu-Chuan will also be present. Please refer to our facebook page for more information.


Taipei Art District Art Festival “Should We Play? – Escaped Reality

Exhibition Period | 6th Oct – 4th Nov 2018

Press Conference | 4th Oct, 14.00 in Xue Xue

Opening Reception | 6th Oct, 15.00 in Liang Galley


Daguan Gallery Escaped Realty

Opening Reception | 6th Oct, 16.00-17.00, with the presence of artists Huang Wen-Lin, Hsu Hui-Ching, Kuo Pei-Chi and curator Tseng Yu-Chuan

Participating Artists | Ku Shih-Yung, Wang Hsiao-Ching, Huang Wen-Lin, Hsu Hu-Ching, Tsai Chia-Jeng, Kuo Pei-Chi

Location | Daguan Gallery

Opening Hours| Tue-Sun (closed on Mon) 10.30 – 18.30

Address | 16, Lane 69, Jingyeh 2nd Road, Taipei

MRT | Jiannan Road Station Exit 2 (Mingshui Road), go straight on to Jingyeh 2nd Road then turn right on Lane 69

Phone | (02)8501-5677



活動聯絡電話: 02-85015677    活動聯絡人: 李小姐

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