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輪轉位移 ─ 蔡宗祐個展 Dempsey Roll - TSAI Tsung-Yu Solo Exhibition

主辦人/單位: 絕對空間 Absolute Space for the Arts
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2019-02-13    結束展演日期: 2019-03-10

活動地點: 絕對空間 Absolute Space
活動地址: 台南市中西區民生路一段205巷11號


展覽期間:2019 / 2 / 13 – 3 / 10
開幕茶會:2019 / 2 / 16 (六) 3:00 pm
藝術家座談:2019 / 2 / 16 (六) 3:30 pm

「第一神拳」主角 幕之內一步 自己研發出的輪轉位移,雖然破壞性強,但規律的大動作卻與現代拳擊觀念背道而馳。一步不僅是追逐自己的夢想,也是向現代拳擊的觀念做出挑戰,他的「輪轉位移」也不同於當初的輪轉位移,而是面對現代拳擊後的持續進化,這樣從自身出發面對環境、面對觀念作出回應,也是藝術創作者同樣面對的,絕對不是拿個符號或流行關鍵字來做做樣子,那不是一個拳擊手該有的戰鬥姿態。


獲獎經歷 //
2018 高雄獎入選
2016 台南新藝獎首獎
2016 南島國際美術獎佳作

個展經歷 //
2016 台南新藝獎,第五屆台南藝術博覽會,臺南
2016 保利澳門酒店藝術博覽會,澳門麗景飯店,澳門
2013 「LALLAPALLOOZA-蔡宗祐個展」,私藝術空間,台北
2010 「主人ONLINE-蔡宗祐個展」,非常廟藝文空間,台北
2010 「主人ONLINE-蔡宗祐經驗值個展」,新浜碼頭藝術空間,高雄

聯展經歷 //
2018 「Paper Art Project」,木木藝術,台南
2018 「你才藝術家,你全家都藝術家」,福利社,台北
2018 高雄獎,高雄市立美術館,高雄
2016 「身體圖景 - 歐亞當代藝術鏈結串列」,好思當代,台北
2016 南島國際美術獎,台東美術館,台東
2016 「台南新藝獎–蔡宗祐X馮家暉」,木木藝術,台南
2014 「非法策展–我第一人稱與他第三人稱的猜策」,新浜碼頭藝術空間,高雄
2014 「禁區的肉搏戰」,絕對空間,台南



Date: 2019 / 2 / 13 – 3 / 10
Opening: 2019 / 2 / 16 Sat. 3:00 pm
Artist talk: 2019 / 2 / 16 Sat. 3:30 pm
Guest: Chang Ching-Wen (Assistant Professor, Department of Arts and Design at National Tsing Hua University)

【Exhibition Statement】
"Philosophy is that you pick up the arrows that had been shot by the predecessors and then shoot them into the far distance." However, when you pick up the arrows shot by predecessors from the ground and prepare to shoot, you discover that the certain areas of the ground are already full of arrows: some are left by the masters and some are your contemporaries and even the young. It is hard to find a place that can be a new target to shoot, especially painting as an ancient medium.

Although the protagonist, Ippo Makunouchi, in The First Step develops a destructive technique called Dempsey Roll, his regular as well as big movements are highly in contrary to the moves defined by modern boxing. Ippo is not only to pursue his own dream, but also to challenge the definition of modern boxing. His "Dempsey Roll " is different from the original rotational displacement as it has been continuously evolving in modern boxing. His technique is the result of reactionary to the environment from its own as well as to definition of modern boxing. Likewise, artists also shall have this kind of reactionary response like Ippo’s boxing technique. Just like boxers who are always alert and honest to themselves, artists absolutely shall not be pretentious by simply using symbols or popular keywords to make art.

【About Tsai Tsung-Yu】
Graduated from Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts at Tainan National University of the Arts, TSAI is a current PhD student at National Taiwan Normal University.

// Awards //
2018 / Kaohsiung Awards, Selected
2016 / Next Art Tainan Awards, First Prize
2016 / Austronesian International Arts Award, selected

// Solo Exhibitions //
2016 / NEXT ART TAINAN, Tainan Art Fair, Tainan
2016 / POLY MACAU HOTEL ART FAIR, Poly Macau Hotel,
2013 / LALLAPALLOOZA - Tsai Tsung-Yu Solo Exhibition, mon Espace D'ART, Taipei
2010 / MASTRE ONLINE - Tsai Tsung-Yu Solo Exhibition, VT Artsalon, Taipei
2010 / MASTRE ONLINE - Tsai Tsung-Yu EXP Solo Exhibition,
SinPinPier - Absolutely Art Space, Kaohsiung

// Group Exhibitions //
2018 / Paper Art Project, MUMU Gallery, Tainan
2018 / How Do You Define ARTIST?, FreeS Art Space, Taipei
2018 / Kaohsiung Art Award, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts,
2016 / into the body field: The connection of Asia and European arts, HOAHAUS, Taipei
2016 / Austronesian International Arts Award, Taitung Art
Museum, Taitung
2016 / Next Art Tainan Award: Tsai Tsung-Yu X Fung Ka-Fai,
MUMU Gallery, Tainan
2014 / Battle under the Hoop, Absolute Space for the Arts,
2011 / News Producer field / Hong-gha Museum, Taipei

Organizer: Absolute Space for the Arts
Sponsor: National Culture and Arts Foundation, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Tainan City

活動聯絡電話: 06-2233508    活動聯絡人: 謝小姐

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