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《Fuzz Fuzz 法茲髮姿 沈瑋、梁玥、王湘靈影像群展》

主辦人/單位: 絕版影像館

首次展演日期: 2019-06-22    結束展演日期: 2019-09-21



法茲 髮姿 Fuzz Fuzz

時間|2019.06.22 - 2019.09.21 
開幕茶會|2019.06.22 (Sat.) 14:30



偷窺感(窺視感),是觀看電影提供的一項樂趣。漆黑的空間中能使觀者與觀者之間形成隔離,並同時引起聚焦於偷窺分離的現象,觀眾的感知魅力被放大了。 [1] 因此今年夏天,絕版影像館將搖身一變成為一個電影空間,展示三位藝術家的作品。我們很榮幸地邀請您參與我們新的展覽 《法茲 髮姿Fuzz Fuzz》沈瑋、梁玥和王湘靈影像群展。



沈瑋的「盛開之間」,難以捉摸的誘惑感暢流於作品畫面中,花朵的成長週期以及死亡循環,體現了生命神奇的力量。梁玥的「Fuzz Fuzz」以及「一切都將蒸發不見」系列探索了微不足道的的美,這樣的美成為藝術家創作中尋找的最終目標。梁通過一段錄像作品和三件鋁板印刷加上使用螢光顏料彩繪的照片,脫離了傳統的攝影製作,揭示平凡生活中精妙的片段。最後,王湘靈「質變」系列,藉由拍攝美國與台灣的冬夜景象,揭開內心的一種空洞、孤寂、恐懼和令人不安的情緒狀態。這一系列作品由黑暗、植物、女性與雕像組成,演繹出幻影般的心理狀態。      


絕版影像館希望觀眾透過這場展覽感受Fuzz 它的魅力。在這個精心設計的朦朧空間中,感官敏感度被強化。感受一種流動與觀看的樂趣並同時展開與內在自我的對話。這些因藝術家強制延長保留的優美時刻成為影像作品,而有所共鳴。我們期許能喚起某種溫柔的輕推,慢了半拍的呼吸又或許是一種溫暖而模糊的Fuzz。

出生成長在上海,現居住工作在紐約。他的作品得到廣泛展出,包括紐約市立博物館(Museum of the City of New York),費城藝術博物館(Philadelphia Museum of Art),上海當代藝術博物館,莫斯科現代藝術博物館(Moscow Museum of Modern Art),米蘭三年展中心(La Triennale di Milano),澳大利亞攝影中心(Australia Center for Photography),北卡羅里納藝術博物館(North Carolina Museum of Art),以及何香凝美術館等。沈瑋的作品被眾多機構收藏,其中包括紐約現代藝術博物館(MoMA),蓋蒂博物館(J.Paul Getty Museum),費城藝術博物館,美國當代攝影博物館(MOCP),美國國會圖書館(Library of Congress),何香凝美術館,卡內基藝術博物館(The Carnegie Museum of Art),美國華人博物館,中國中央美術學院美術館,洛克菲勒兄弟基金會(Rockefeller Brothers Fund),以及金塞研究所(Kinsey Institute)等。沈瑋曾獲得洛克菲勒基金會Bellagio駐地藝術家獎(2009),紐約藝術基金會(NYFA)攝影基金獎(2016),亞洲文化協會藝術基金獎(2012),紐約城市藝術家倡議獎(UAI / NYC 2008),和曼哈頓下城文化協會(LMCC)藝術基金獎(2007,2008)。他先後在明尼阿珀波斯藝術與設計學院和紐約視覺藝術學院學習攝影並獲取攝影和影像純藝術學士和碩士學位。

1979生於上海,2001年畢業於上海大學美術學院,如今生活工作都在上海。近期的展覽包括: 中國當代影像選片,Cinema Dynamo,日內瓦當代藝術中心,瑞士(2018);第七屆深港城市/建築雙城雙年展,深圳(2017);梁玥個展:間歇性,香格納北京,北京(2016);簡單的繼續,OCT當代藝術中心,深圳(2014);梁玥:安靜的房間,香格納H空間,上海(2013);影子的一課,OPEN EYE畫廊,利物浦,英國(2012);諸多,梁玥個展,上海(2011); MOVE ON ASIA,THE END OF VIDEO ART,卡薩亞洲-巴塞羅那,巴塞羅那,西班牙(2011);海上姐姐,SAN FRANCISCO ARTS COMMISSION,舊金山,美國(2010);中國發電站- 第四站,PINACOTECA AGNELLI,都靈,意大利(2010);SHANGHAI KINO,SHANGHAI KINO,伯爾尼美術館, 瑞士(2009);中國發電站:第二站,ASTRUP FEARNLEY 現代美術館,奧斯,挪威(2007);中國發電站: 第一站,巴特西發電站,倫敦,英國(2006);十三:今日國影像,PS1當代藝術中心,紐約長島,美國(2006);中國當代建築,藝術和視覺文化,荷蘭攝影博物館,鹿特丹,荷蘭(2006);無休無止:攝影與新媒體藝術,上海當代藝術館,上海(2006); 停止暈眩,梁玥2003-2005照片及錄像展,比翼藝術空間,上海(2005);來自中華人民共和國的觀念攝影,當代美術館,丹佛,科羅拉多,美國;以及今日中國,現代藝術博物館,紐約,美國(2004)。



出生於台灣臺北,先後畢業於紐約市立大學音樂演奏碩士,紐約國際攝影中心。自幼學習古典音樂,在完成學業後逐漸朝視覺藝術發展,媒材以影像為主。近期的個展與聯展覽包括台北市立美術館(2020)、法國巴黎Galerie Frederic Moisan藝廊、美國紐約456藝廊、關渡美術館。她於2017年參加法國西帖國際藝術村駐留計畫,以及2015台北美術獎首獎,目前工作和生活於台北。

法茲 髮姿 Fuzz Fuzz

Dates|2019.06.22 - 2019.09.21 
Opening Reception|2019.06.22 (Sat.) 14:30
Venue|UP Gallery

Artists|Shen Wei & Liang Yue & Wang Hsiang Lin


Scopophilia, the pleasure of looking is one of the delights provided by the cinema. The darkness in the space “isolates the spectators from one another”, while simultaneously draws attention to the voyeuristic separation. [1] As viewers the fascination of looking is amplified, hence this summer the gallery transforms itself into a dark-lit cinematic space to present the works by three artists. We are delighted to invite you to join us at our new exhibition Fuzz Fuzz: exhibition by Shen Wei, Liang Yue, and Wang Hsiang Lin.

“Fuzz” could imply stray hairs, light fibers, unclear sensory or even a distorted buzz. Fragile and insignificant things still hold presence in a form of texture or a beat of a sound. In contact with these forms a twitch of emotion may spark although often undetected and overlooked. It sends a subtle feeling or perhaps a message through the human senses. Daily interactions between individuals are elusive, banal and at times isolated. They are difficult to quantify or record but specific moments appear delicately beautiful and dreamlike. These artists focus on this “Fuzz” and capture that moment though their artistic practices.


In Shen Wei’s Between Blossom a sense of elusive seduction circulates his images and the cycle of life and death of blossoms expresses the mysterious power of life. Liang Yue’s Fuzz Fuzz and Everything is gone Evaporating pounders on the idea of insignificant beauty and exploring this beauty becomes an ultimate goal. Through a piece of video work and three photographs printed on aluminum with luminous paint she breaks away from the traditional image-making process, and reveals an exquisite fragment of the miscellaneous daily encounters. Hsiang Ling Wang’s Metamorphosis on the other hand, films winter scenes in the States and Taiwan to unravel an inner void, loneliness, fear and an unsettling emotional state. A series of works consist of darkness, plants, female body and sculpture to demonstrate a phantom-like psychological condition.

The gallery hopes through the exhibition audiences engage with this “Fuzz”. In the carefully crafted obscure space, senses are meant to be intensified. To feel the trickle of movement, pleasure of looking and experience of development in internal dialogues. Resonating with these works of prolonged beautiful moments, we hope it evokes a gentle nudge, a lost breath and perhaps a warm fuzz.

Shen Wei (b.1977)

Born and raised in Shanghai, Shen Wei is a visual artist based in New York City and Shanghai. He is known for his intimate portraits of others and himself, as well as his poetic landscape and still-life photography. His work has been exhibited internationally, with venues including the Museum of the City of New York, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Power Station of Art in Shanghai, La Triennale di Milano, the North Carolina Museum of Art, the He Xiangning Art Museum in Shenzhen, China, and the Moscow Museum of Modern Art. Shen Wei’s work is included in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Photography, the Library of Congress, the Carnegie Museum of Art, the Museum of Chinese in America, CAFA Art Museum, and the Ringling Museum of Art, among others.
Shen Wei is a recipient of the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center Arts Residency, the Asian Cultural Council Arts & Religion Fellowship, the New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship, and the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Arts Grant. He holds an MFA in photography, video, and related media from the School of Visual Arts, New York; and a BFA in photography from Minneapolis College of Art and Design.

Liang Yue (b.1979)
Works and lives in between Shanghai and Toronto. Her artistic practice focuses on photography, video and sound. She is known to emphasis on the “daily” and delves in finding the beauty of things. Graduated from the Shanghai Art Academy in 2001 she has exhibited in places such as: Chinese Contemporary Selected Videos, Cinema Dynamo, Centre D'Art Contemporain Geneve, Switzerland (2018); The 7th edition Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism \ Architecture, Shenzhen (2017); Intermittent, ShanghART Beijing, Beijing (2016); Easy Going, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal,Shenzhen (2014); A Lecture Upon the Shadow, Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool, U.K.(2012); Move on Asia, the End of Video Art, Casa Asia-Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (2011); Shanghai Candid: Women In Motion, San Francisco Arts Commission Gallery,U.S.A.(2010); China Power Station - Part IV, Pinacoteca Agnelli, Torino, Italy (2010); Shanghai Kino, Shanghai Kino, KUNSTHALLE BERN, Switzerland(2009); The Thirteen: Chinese Video Now, PS1 Contemporary Art Center, New York, U.S.A.(2006); China Contemporary – Architecture, Art and Visual Culture, Netherlands Photo Museum, Rotterdam, Netherlands( 2006); Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver, U.S.A. and China Now, MoMA Film at the Gramercy Theatre,  New York, U.S.A.(2004)
Her works are collected by Dr. Michael I. Jacobs Collection, U.S.A., Astrup Fearnley Museum, Oslo, Norway, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen (MUHKA), and Belgium and Guy & Myriam Ullens Foundation, Switzerland

Wang Hsiang Lin (b. 1984)

Born in Taipei, Taiwan, Wang graduated from City University of New York with an MA degree in music performance. She also completed general studies in photography at International Center of Photography in New York. She began learning classical music at a young age and after the degree she has decided to embark on the journey of fine art with a focus on image making. Recent exhibitions include: Taipei Fine Art Musuem(2020), Galerie Frederic Moisan, Gallery 456 and Kuandu museum. In 2017 she participated in an artist's residency Citè Internationale des Arts in France and in 2015 won the grand prize for the Taipei Arts Awards in Taiwan. She currently lives and works in Taipei.

[1] Laura Mulvey ,Visual and other pleasures(Palgrave Macmillan, 2009) ,15-17.


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