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Chronicle of One-Legged Deva

主辦人/單位: 新樂園藝術空間
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2019-08-03    結束展演日期: 2019-08-25
2019.08.03 (六) - 08.25 (日)

活動地點: 新樂園藝術空間
活動地址: 台北市中山北路二段11巷15-2號一樓


獨腳仙紀事|李珞伊個展 Chronicle of One-Legged Deva


展期 Duration|2019.08.03 (六) - 08.25 (日) 
空間資訊 Venue|新樂園藝術空間 SLY art space
Floor 1st,No.15-2, Lane11,Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan
1:00pm~8:00pm (週三Wed.~週日Sun.)
開幕 Opening Reception|2019.08.10 (六) 14:00
座談會 forum|2019.08.10 (六) 14:00-17:00
與談人 talker|黃海鳴 Huang, Hai-Ming
藝術家 artist|李珞伊 Lee, Lo-Yi
藝術是否能夠永恆存在? 李昆霖在文章〈繁殖〉中答道:「人創作是為了繁衍人的精神存在,讓生命擴散出肉體的侷限範圍,產生更多的人、生命體、精神象徵、永恆存在⋯⋯解決肉體腐朽敗壞後的存在問題。」 對李昆霖來說,創作的意義或許就是將自己的生命理念傳遞給世人,即便肉體已不復存在,他依然能夠藉由作品將其精神保留下來。
Can “Art” exist forever? Lee Kuen-Lin replied in the article "Reproduction": "Man produces artworks as a means of propagating the existence of the human spirit, thereby allowing life to break free from the limitations of the physical body. In this way, the number of people, living creatures, spiritual symbols, and eternal existence, will always exist… It is a way to solve the problem of existence when the body begins to falter and decay." For Lee Kuen-Lin, the meaning of producing artworks may be to pass on his own concept of life to the world. Even if his body is no longer exist, he can still retain his spirit through his works.
In the past ten years, from the works and articles of Lee Kuen-Lin, Lee Lo-Yi gradually realized that there are still many parts of him which are unfamiliar to her. Perhaps what exists of Lee Kuen-Lin in her mind is only one-sided, as her father. She wants to know the him in the photos that is not familiar to her. Therefore, she began to visit people who were near to him, hoping to outline the image of Lee Kuen-Lin as an artist, teacher, student, friend and father through their memories, and continues to know him in the process of creating artworks. In the exhibition "Chronicle of One-Legged Deva", Lee Lo-Yi portrayed some of Lee Kuen-Lin's images through video, animation, website desing and 3D modeling, hoping to pass on the life memories and emotions to everyone through the works.
/// 關於獨腳仙 About One-Legged Deva ///

The "One-Legged Deva" with only one foot and a pair of clear eyes is the protagonist of Lee Kuen-Lin's last work series "The Journey of One-Legged Deva" and "Songs of the Mountain" (from 2006 to 2009). They are the symbol of loneliness and also representing himself. Lee Kuen-Lin once said: "One can only jump with only one foot, but it is faster to jump that way." In addition to explaining the individual's loneliness and the psychological state of no desire, the "One-Legged Deva" series also explores the relation between oneself and the world and nature.
In 2009, on the eve of his solo exhibition "Songs of the Mountain", Lee Kuen-Lin left this world. Perhaps it is the last chapter created by Li Kuen-Lin of the shallow consciousness before the separation of the body and soul. Although his body disappeared, his soul still exists in his works and articles as if he had not disappeared.
/// 關於李昆霖 About Lee Kuen-Lin ///
Life, body of mother, earth and loneliness are the subjects of Lee Kuen-Lin’s artworks and what he had been thinking about. On the road of creation/producing artworks, he insisted on his own belief. Since the "Border Culture Art Salon" in 1992, he has successively established and joined many "alternative spaces" which was jointly run by artists, including "Shin Leh Yuan Art Space", "Prototype Art Space" and "Pioneer Art Space". Then he also established the art groups in which members met regularly, including " Taizi Painting Association", "Rice-Flour Noodles Club" and "Onion Faction".
執行單位:新樂園藝術空間 SLY art space


活動聯絡電話: 02 25611548    活動聯絡人: 新樂園藝術空間

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