首頁 / 藝術雷達 / 藝術動態 / 《紅翼之牆》錫吉特.拉馬丹個展
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主辦人/單位: 十方藝術空間
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2019-12-21    結束展演日期: 2020-02-15
2019/12/21-2020/02/15,週二-週六 13:00-19:00 ;2019/12/21 18:00-21:00



BHAYANGKARA-A Solo Exhibition by Sigit Ramadhan

展覽日期 ▍2019/12/21-2020/02/15
開幕茶會 ▍2019/12/21 18:00-21:00
開放時間 ▍週二-週六 13:00-19:00
展覽地點 ▍十方藝術空間(台北市中山區德惠街51號)





Sigit’s (b.1989) deep curiosity about the police identity encourage him to go deeper through their historical path. This exhibition title, Bhayangkara, was taken from the other name of Indonesian National Police Force. The name Bhayangkara is a recommendation from one of Indonesia’s founding fathers Soekarno, in one of his speech he mentioned that the National Police Force must take the spirit of Bhayangkara who were a loyal guardian army of the king in Majapahit Empire era (13th century) and also reflect Bhayangkara as the ‘way of life’ when they are on duty. Bhayangkara in Majapahit Empire were a special forces who guards the king with all of his interests. While Bhayangkara in Indonesia today were the law enforcement unit that have responsibility to maintain public order and security. According to that fundamental differences about task orientation and authority within the past and nowadays, the relevances of Bhayangkara concept are need to be reviewed. Why it is still used?

In this exhibition, Sigit tried to trace back the identity of Bhayangkara through the subjective interpretation of an artist, based on the perspective of the society which has become a phenomenon in several parts of the world towards the institution that are now being highlighted. Not only in Indonesia, it become one of the critical issues that is also happening in several countries, especially in Asia. In this late situation, repressive actions often come up when they escorting the society express their aspirations; there is a tendency from this institution to become a tool to secure the ruling authority. This exhibition can be a representation of one of the sociopolitical problems that is happening now, to be a critic of the tension that occurs between one of the law enforcement institutions and the society.

To accommodate his idea, Sigit mostly use woodcut printmaking technique that historically used as a propaganda medium to influence the audience’s perception on social and political issues. With a distinctive visual character, he made a printmaking as an art medium to communicate simultaneously with a large number of people.

活動聯絡電話: 02-25915296    活動聯絡人: 吳小姐

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