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稻草人現代舞蹈團和古微琉樂古樂團,共同推出經典思潮、當代觀點的豪華編制演出《巢 Hideout》舞作--掀開一層一層繁複交疊的紗網,探入生活內部的幽暗管路,敲擊命運的更迭,遊走對世界的省思,揭露社會各階層真實心聲。

主辦人/單位: 稻草人現代舞蹈團
活動類別: 舞蹈

首次展演日期: 2021-06-19    結束展演日期: 2021-06-20

活動地點:臺中國家歌劇院 中劇院

地址: 407025台中市西屯區惠來路二段101號


稻草人現代舞蹈團 (Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company) 和古微琉樂古樂團 (Musica Lequio Pequeno),共同推出經典思潮、當代觀點的豪華編制演出《巢 Hideout》舞作--掀開一層一層繁複交疊的紗網,探入生活內部的幽暗管路,敲擊命運的更迭,遊走對世界的省思,揭露社會各階層真實心聲。

藝術總監暨編舞羅文瑾精煉經典文學轉化為豐富⼈文質感的舞蹈編創和演出,藉著舞蹈與⾳樂現場交互對話和共鳴,以及織羅構築不同層次空間特⾊的舞台視覺意象,連結十九世紀俄國作家杜斯陀也夫斯基的《地下室手記》、二十世紀作家卡夫卡的《地洞》兩部經典文本和現今時代對現況的同感憂⼼,帶領觀眾進入《巢 Hideout》的世界觀——如蟻築穴勞動創建、作繭⾃居離群閉鎖、隨遇不安浪遊漂泊,每個場景都將連結共感出⼈們居處關注的社會境況,在專業劇場的聲光環場薰陶之下,將帶給⼤家擊中內⼼深處的內省覺性,和飽滿深刻的靈魂觸動。




音樂創作演出:古微琉樂Musica Lequio Pequeno林靖偉(木笛)、吳孟翰(巴洛克小提琴)、謝萱(吟唱)、郭欣怡(鍵盤)







Combining classic philosophy and contemporary viewpoints, Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company and Musica Lequio Pequeno co-produced Hideout. The richly-produced dance number peels away the layers of complexities of everyday life and casts light on its darkest depths, portraying the ever-changing fate.

It in turns raises questions about the world and puts under spotlight what the different classes in the society truly feel.Wen-jinn Luo, artistic director and choreographer of Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company, extracted the essence of classic literature and incorporated it into the choreography and performance, injecting the production with humanity. The dance and the music come together to create something bigger than the sum of its parts. That synergy along with the multi-layered production design connect text from the 18th century novel “Notes from Underground” written by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and 19th century short story “The Burrow” written by Franz Kafka to what’s happening today, thus guiding the audience into the unique world of Hideout – a colony where laborers roam about like ants, an isolated home away from the community, and a world where one wander restlessly against the currents; every set calls back to the social conditions people have lived through and contended with. With its expertly crafted visual and auditory experience, Hideout prompts the audience to look deep into themselves and strikes a chord in their souls.

Artistic Director&Choreographer|LUO Wen-jinn

Dancers|LUO Wen-jinn, LI Pei-shan, HO Chia-yu, NI Li-fen and MENG Kai-lun

Musicians|Musica Lequio Pequeno - LIN Ching-wei (recorder), WU Meng-han (baroque violin), HSIEH Hsuan(vocal), GUO Hsin-I (Keyboard)

Stage Designers|Karan Tseng, SUN Chia-hsuan

Costume Designer|WU Kuan-han

Lighting Designer|KUAN, Yun-hsiang

Stage Manager|Tsai Hsin-ying

Producer&Company Director|KULO Wen-chun

Administrative Assistant|KAO Chen

Photographers|LIU Ren-haur, TSAI Shi-fan

Graphic Desingers|Chen Winder




◇歌劇院會員:劇院卡享9折優惠、 序曲卡、NTT市民卡享8折優惠、忘我會員享75折優惠。



售票網址: https://www.opentix.life/event/1371360711967727621
活動聯絡電話: 06-2253218    活動聯絡人: 高晨

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