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《靈山誌》林彥翔個展 《 Wander within spirits and mountains 》Lin ,Yan-Xiang Solo Exhibition

主辦人/單位: 林彥翔 / 水谷藝術
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2021-07-31    結束展演日期: 2021-08-29
週一到週日 12:00-19:30

活動地點:水谷藝術Waley Art



日期 / 2021/07/31-08/29
時間 / 週一到周日12:00-19:30
地點 / 水谷藝術 Waley Art (臺北市萬華區萬大路322巷6號)
藝術家 / 林彥翔

時間:2021-08/22日(日)2-4 pm
高俊宏 x 梁廷毓 x 林彥翔

主辦單位 / 水谷藝術
贊助單位 / 國藝會 、台北市政府文化局
※ 本展獲台北市政府文化局110年度「視覺藝術類」展覽補助
※ 水谷藝術獲國藝會110年「視覺藝術組織營運補助專案」及台北市政府文化局110年度「營運扶植補助」


The Spirit (靈) refers to the soul that exists in all things. Mountain (山) is the projection of nature in modern society. Tracing back the spirituality of people's activities in mountainous areas before modernization, the process of walking and returning to the old paths in search of the land gods, "nature" and "religion" are reintroduced as the main subjects of reflection. The long-time collection of land beliefs in the mountains of Taiwan is transformed into the basis of a series of art projects. The relationship between man and the land is approached from a contemporary perspective, exploring how man contemplates and visualizes the soul. The attempt is to use the mountains as a medium of thought and the land as an emotional object of reference, to treat everything as a subject that can be perceived and experienced, and to return to the worldview of the human environment from the viewpoint of the spirits and nature.

The exhibition is based on two works of Land Gods (土地神) and Lyu-Feng Temple (屢豐), which are based on the land gods. Focusing on the land beliefs in Taiwan, The work "The Land Gods" takes Taiwanese land Gods as the main subject of the narrative, using a fictional narrative and the reproduction of images to create a spatial and temporal context of the lack of beliefs. Through the event of looking for God, I try to find traces of faith and inquire into the spatial and temporal environment and psychological state of the time, and interpret the text through geophysical investigation and personal visual language. The video Lyu-Feng Temple is based on the dream of a believer, the intertwined narrative of the eagle, the island, and the land Gods. Using 3D models in computer software to simulate the process of visualizing faith in religion, and the fictional grafting of spirituality from different eras. In this way, it reflects how society transforms natural capital and responds to the sense of Taiwan as an island.

曾於〈Reentry再入-北藝新媒104級畢業展〉擔任參展者與策劃人、北美館〈小說-雙城計畫〉計畫共同參與者、鳳甲美術館〈流浪的土地公-北投社保德宮的神明地誌學〉、〈Photo GO攝影上桌-臺南國際攝影節〉、〈桃園國際藝術獎〉....等展出。


Yan-Xiang Lin, born in Taoyuan, 1997. Studying in Graduate Institute of Trans-disciplinary Arts, National Taipei University of the Arts.
His works focus on multiple imagery in words, images, and bodies, and has long been interested in flora and fauna, geopolitics, religious beliefs... and other issues. With Route as the origin of thought, finding the border among the ever-changing boundaries. Through field practice and writing, he produces differences and perceptual experiences, then responds to the social phenomena and our own feelings that we are concerned about.

Recent projects include the study of the land gods from the perspective of pan-spiritual beliefs: 福德, If mountain has deities, and Lyu-Feng Temple, which shown Xinbei and Taoyuan. The Aerotropolis in his hometown which was acquired by the government. Sacred Ibis which responded to environmental politics with the theme of animals, etc.

He has been a participant and curator in Reentry TNUA Dept. New Media Art Graduate Exhibition 2019 , co-participant in Island Tales:Taiwan and Australia in Taipei Fine Arts Museum. He also exhibited in 流浪的土地公-北投社保德宮的神明地誌學 at Honggah Museum, Photo GO - Tainan International Foto Festival, Taoyuan International Art Award, etc.


活動聯絡電話: 02-23011821    活動聯絡人: 水谷藝術

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