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【認知的切線-陳姿尹 · 葛大乘雙個展】

主辦人/單位: 良室古物珈琲店
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2021-09-12    結束展演日期: 2021-10-17







本次展出作品以天文影像作為發想,透過科學儀器 — 攝影機、光學鏡片,拍攝生活日常中反射的陽光與遙遠的宇宙之間的連結,隱喻身體經驗與科學理論看似矛盾、實為相切的認知關係。





日期|2021 . 9 .12(Sun) – 10 . 17 (Sun)
時間|13:00 - 19:00 (週三至週日)
開幕|2021 . 9 . 18(Sat)14:00
地點|良室藝術空間(Serendipity art space)
地址|臺北市大同區承德路三段225巷6號 B1(圓山捷運站1號出口)


Exhibition Title | The Tangent Line To Cognition – Dual Exhibition of Chen Zi Yin & Ko Ta-Sheng

Date | 2021. 9. 12 (Sun) – 10. 17 (Sun)

Time | 13:00 - 19:00 (Wed - Sun)

Opening | 2021. 9. 18 (Sat) 14:00

Venue | Serendipity Art Space

Address | B1F., No. 6, Ln. 225, Sec. 3, Chengde Rd., Datong Dist., Taipei City (R14 Yuanshan Station EXIT 1)

Sponsor | Department of Cultural
Affairs, Taipei City Government


In geometry, a straight line that has only one intersection point in a circle is called the tangent of the circle.

Standing on the tangent point (of a circle, for instance), and looking towards the research field that one is very keen on, branches of disciplines intricately weave a diverse landscape so enormous that it simply cannot be illustrated by a single view from a single discipline.

As the tangent point on the parameter with their endeavors in different disciplines, artists Chen Zi Yin and Ko Ta-Sheng probe into their everyday life and empirical observations. Stemming from their own perception and interpretation alongside the knowledge they have attained from different disciplines, the artists have now transformed their experiences into artworks. While each of them draws a tangent line of cognition extending to the unknown on one end, the other end lands into this very exhibition.

Chen Zi Yin wanders between perception and science. Her artworks are a contemplation of how similarity and disparity of the two may influence human perception of reality. The way human beings establish such sense of reality involves “perception” and “learning”. Before receiving systematic education, the sense of reality is established through cognition, only until human beings receive education of science, the latter and the former become ambivalent. Science tends to explore the world through logic and quantitative research. Comparatively speaking, perception is delimited by biological constructs, and science is beyond the reach of human perception. Chen recognizes despite the human perception of the universe is finite, the human body irrevocably exists in this universe.

Inspired by astronomy images, the artworks of this exhibition document reflections of sunlight and its connection with the remote universe in everyday life through scientific instruments such as camera and optical lenses. It is an analogy of the ambivalent yet relevant aspects of bodily experience and scientific theory in human cognition.

Ko Ta-Sheng’s artworks concern personal relationship with urban landscape. Ko reckons that information of history on the internet are shaping different generations like a lens filter. Through this lens filter, he attempts to investigate the urban landscape he currently resides in, identifying the architecture and infrastructure their potential past or reasons of displacement. Ko’s artistic practice is mainly first-person narrative video with humorous narration to illustrate his association with personal living experience, local history and landscape. It does not only show his deep interest in the context of landscapes, but also, by incorporating documentary and performance, it is a manifestation of Ko’s participation, as well as his inability to participate, in the process of history.

This exhibition showcases Ko’s video work that depicts infrastructures once existed in Yuanshan, such as Children Amusement’s Park, Taigu Chao, the Zaichunswimming pool, the Meiji Bridge. It embarks on a journey of finding the story of the amusement park, questioning whether height issue is the determinant for closing, Ko attempts to find new alternatives for the park in the existing infrastructure from his field trip.

Through intersecting with science, history and others, the two artists of “The Tangent Line To Cognition” together draw a perception-cognition line of artistic practice.




tell it slant --- 陳譽仁

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