首頁 / 藝術雷達 / 藝術動態 / 「旗飄揚下的她們」-黃孟雯個展
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主辦人/單位: 適藝術
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2021-10-16    結束展演日期: 2021-11-28
每週二~週日 上午11:00 至下午7:00


地址: 台北市西園路一段145號B2




展覽地點|適藝術 台北市西園路一段145號B2龍山文創基地





場次一 2021.10.31 PM2:30




場次二2021.11.06 PM2:30
























作品多次受邀參與海內外展覽與影展,如FASE阿根廷影像藝術節、阿根廷 VideoBardo 影像詩歌藝術節、日本Tokyo Lift-Off Film Festival、台灣國際酷兒影展、台南彩虹遊行性/別展覽、韓國Space One藝術空間、美國舊金山中華文化中心展出。




「Herstory under the flying flag」―Orlando Mengwen Huang Solo Exhibition


Exhibition dates|2021/10/16–2021/11/28 (Tue.-Sun. 11:00-19:00)

Exhibition venue|Befitting Art


These women had been called many names—yujo, geisha, comfort women, waitrees, waitresses, tea girls, liquor house girls, bar girls, licensed sex workers, and so on. They often showed up in the particular identity that a particular era, unit, or place needed them to be. Their ways of working might have changed for the era and their identity's needs, but these women's jobs were all similar—a major part of them was about sexual interactions.


People tend to have the impression that these women worked in the shiny sex-related entertainment industries. Little did they know about their silent dedication of their softness to the nation in the course of Taiwan's history. Throughout Taiwan's modern history, from Japan's colonization, World War II, the post-war period, the Cold War, to Taiwan's Economic Miracle, these women had been supported themselves or their families with their sex-related labor. They became a part of national mobilization whenever the policies demanded and they always carried out the tasks assigned to them by the government. Nevertheless, this sort of sex-related labor has been considered the disgraceful past of history by the nation. For a better image of the nation, these women had no choice but to be forgotten in people's memories. They had always existed on the periphery of Taiwan's so-called mainstream history.


Herstory Under the Flying Flag discusses how "these women", the sex-related laborers, became a part of the national mobilization in Taiwan's history. During the Japanese ruling period, the legal prostitution system had become one of Japan's territorial expansion policies. In the post-war period, there were the patriotic liquor house girls; and the military paradises set up by the anti-communist Nationalist government with a mission of national salvation. Last but not least, there were also bar girls that accompanied the U.S. soldiers in Taiwan during the Cold War.


We could not help but wonder how the nation mobilized these women and used their bodies as a resource of the state apparatus throughout Taiwan's modern history, from the Japanese ruling period to the post-Cold War period. This project attempts to connect all these similar biopolitics from different eras and illustrate a certain continuity in Taiwan's history. Behind this continuity is the male-centered thinking in the state apparatus which, in combination with the state power mechanism, was reflected in the lives of these professional women. And these women could merely believe that the situation they were in was just their fate. These women, who had names and stories to tell, can only be referred to as "she" nowadays. This is a story about these women, these stigmatized women.

These women and I. My art projects often focus on gender and modern history. When I went through Taiwan's history from the perspective of gender, I constantly saw traces of these women in all kinds of historical data. That was when I started to look for their footprints and figure out their past. To my surprise, these women's past was highly related to the regime shifts and economic contexts of Taiwan. Behind this so-called embarrassing job of theirs, it was also about the nation, the wars, and the power. I wondered what a story of Taiwan's modern history would be if it is told from these women's perspectives.


These women softly embraced their stigmatized job with their bodies, and silently took in all the shame as well as all the twists and turns in Taiwan's modern history. This project returns their tenderness in the name of art. With the dynamic images and the photographic moments captured, this project uses art as the spell to summon the long-forgotten collective memories. These women's stories are indeed our past.



活動聯絡電話: 0911020535    活動聯絡人: 曾彥程

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