首頁 / 藝術雷達 / 藝術動態 / 關於島嶼的隱喻:台灣與尼泊爾鄉憂系列計畫IV Metaphors about Islands: Solastalgia IV— A Bilateral Exchange Program between Taiwan and Nepal
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關於島嶼的隱喻:台灣與尼泊爾鄉憂系列計畫IV Metaphors about Islands: Solastalgia IV— A Bilateral Exchange Program between Taiwan and Nepal

主辦人/單位: 水谷藝術
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2021-11-13    結束展演日期: 2021-12-12
2021/11/13 (Sat.)–12/12 (Sun.)12:00-19:30國定假日休館

活動地點:水谷藝術Waley Art


▍計畫概念About the program
The curatorial statement “Metaphors about Islands” uses islands as metaphors to depict abstract concepts such as relationships between groups and individuals, different types of political cultures, collective narratives, forgotten histories, and ideal futures.
The starting point of this four-year program “Solastalgia” was the April 2015 Nepal earthquake, which occurred on April 25 2015 with a magnitude of 7.8M. Taiwan has also suffered from earthquake disasters before, having similar experiences of post-disaster trauma. We extend our solicitude from earthquake trauma (2017) gradually to the issue of urban modernization and underprivileged groups (2018), as well as urgent social problems in Nepal, such as immigrant workers, cross-border population migration, gender identity and body consciousness (2019). Based on the achievement of interaction, creation and research in the last three years, the Solastalgia IV program investigates political dilemmas caused by social system and current status of the ethnic groups in Nepal.
▍策展人Curator|羅秀芝Sandy Hsiu-Chih Lo
▍台灣實體展出Exhibition in Taiwan
展期Exhibition Date|2021/11/13 (Sat.)–12/12 (Sun.)
Waley Art (No. 6, Lane 322, Wanda Road, Wanhua District, Taipei City, Taiwan)
藝術家Artists|瑪尼許‧拉爾.斯雷斯塔Manish Lal Shrestha(尼泊爾Nepal)、阿許米娜.蘭吉特Ashmina Ranjit(尼泊爾Nepal)
播映單元Video Program|
▍尼泊爾實體展出Exhibition in Nepal
展期Exhibition Date|2021/11/12 (Fri.)–11/28 (Sun.)
地點Venue|Gallery Mcube (Mitra Road, Chakupat Lalitpur-10, Nepal)
藝術家Artists|梁廷毓Liang, Ting-Yu(台灣Taiwan)、林彥翔Lin, Yan-Xiang(台灣Taiwan)、郭敬耘Kuo, Chin-Yun(台灣Taiwan)
主辦單位Organizer|水谷藝術Waley Art
合辦單位Co-organizer|台灣文化產業學會Taiwan Cultural Industry Association
國際合作單位Cooperator in Nepal|Mcube Gallery
贊助單位Supported by|文化部Ministry of Culture
計畫總監Director|彭才瑄Peng, Tsai-Hsuan
計畫經理Project Managers|陳美智Chen, Mei-Chih、謝孟潔Hsieh, Meng-Chieh展務助理Exhibition Assistants|倪華君Ni, Hua-Chun、鄭宇倢Cheng, Yu-Chieh
視覺設計Visual Designer|黃怡禎Huang, Yi-Chen

活動聯絡電話: 02-23011821    活動聯絡人: 水谷藝術

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