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你們說,這片草原美不美?– 陳漢聲個展

Chen Han Sheng : Isn't It a Beautiful Meadow?

主辦人/單位: 紅野畫廊 Powen Gallery
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2022-10-15    結束展演日期: 2022-11-05
October 15 - November 5, 2022
10:00-19:00 週日及週一休館 Closed on Sundays & Mondays

活動地點: 紅野畫廊
活動地址: 台北市中山區松江路164巷11號


你們說,這片草原美不美?– 陳漢聲個展

Chen Han Sheng : Isn't It a Beautiful Meadow?


展期 Duration|October 15 - November 5, 2022

地點 Venue|紅野畫廊 Powen Gallery(台北市中山區松江路164巷11號,10:00-19:00 週日及週一休館 Closed on Sundays & Mondays)

贊助單位 Sponsor|中華民國文化部 Ministry of Culture, ROC(Taiwan)

資訊 Info|www.powengallery.com










《你們說,這片草原美不美?》繪本作者為奧地利作家Wolf Harranth(1941-2021),原著德文原文為《Da ist eine wunderschöne Wiese》,意指「有一片美麗的草地」於1972年初版,英文譯本《Isn't It a Beautiful Meadow?》1985年出版,中文譯本由英文漢聲出版有限公司於1992年初版。



Chen Han Sheng : Isn't It a Beautiful Meadow?


Duration|October 15 - November 5, 2022

Venue|Powen Gallery(No. 11, Lane 164, Songjiang Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 10491 / 10:00-19:00 Closed on Sundays & Mondays)

Sponsor|Ministry of Culture, ROC(Taiwan)




“Isn’t It a Beautiful Meadow?”

“Isn’t It a Beautiful Pond?”

“Isn’t It a Beautiful Wetland?”

“Isn’t It a Beautiful Paddy field?”


The title of the exhibition directly quotes the title of the translated picture book Isn’t It a Beautiful Meadow? Following on from themes of his solo exhibitions such as The Last Farm Boy in 2018, After the Explosion in 2019, and From View to Landscape All At Once, this exhibition follows the watershed of local water systems. Pulling the perspective away from the hometown, this exhibition focuses on changes in the landscape, from the modernization of high-speed railway construction and urban development, to the ebb and flow of canals, bridge piers, and agricultural products.


The author of the picture book Isn't it a Beautiful Meadow? was the Austrian writer Wolf Harranth (1941-2021). The original German title was Da ist eine wunderschöne Wiese, meaning “There is a beautiful meadow”; the book was first published in 1972. The English translation, under the title, Isn't It a Beautiful Meadow? was published in 1985. The Chinese-translated version was first published in 1992 by Echo Publishing Co., Ltd.


Chen Han Sheng recalls his own environmental enlightenment having been influenced by the illustrated book, Isn't It a Beautiful Meadow? This exhibition takes water as its starting point, echoing Kaohsiung people's habit of buying water, and the surprise of discovering that there are still paddies growing water caltrops in the suburbs of Kaohsiung this year. Chen Han Sheng attempts to make a comparison of the development status in Taiwan between the time when the picture book was first published and the time he first read the book. Through this exhibition, he transforms his external and internal landscapes of the time, and how they have gradually disappeared. Noting each scene as he discovers its absence, he also says goodbye to them.


活動聯絡電話: 02-25236009    活動聯絡人: Aurelia

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