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鏡 . 花園 Garden of Mir(ror/acle)

Tsan-Cheng Wu:Taiwan Sound Map

主辦人/單位: tamtamART TAIPEI. IPIX
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2013-06-29    結束展演日期: 2013-07-21
2013. 06. 29~ 07. 21

活動地點: tamtamART TAIPEI IPIX
活動地址: 台北市北平東路20-3號



2013. 06. 29 - 07. 21
Opening: 06. 29, 8pm
Live video performance: 何昱達 Yu-Da Ho

「若要曉得這鏡中全影,且待後緣」- 李汝珍

台灣聲音地圖是藝術家吳燦政一則為期六年的創作計劃,他結合Google Map的地圖定位功能,將全台灣分為五大區塊,逐一採集錄製全台灣各地的聲音,他以特殊聲音事件或生活物件作為錄音記錄對象,並利用聲音資料而衍伸發展的研究與分享互動計劃,此外每一年除了主要規劃縣市聲音錄製外 , 並利用時間機會重復到訪已經錄製過的地區縣市 , 作再次錄音採集 , 盡可能地呈現聲音的內容在時空變化過程中的差異與現象 。此回在tamtamArt TAIPEI IPIX 將以耳機裝置呈現目前已完成採錄的聲音,意在透過聲音的採錄、資料庫的整理分析及相關展演活動的策劃,推廣對於台灣的聲音環境現象的感知與反饋行動。

Garden of Mir(ror/acle) series exhibition
Tsan-Cheng Wu:Taiwan Sound Map
2013 . 06 . 29 - 07 . 21
Opening: 06. 29, 8pm

The themes of Flowers in the Mirror by Li Ruzhen include spirits, devils, and women, creating various strange and weird characters and events. Fictional stories contain metaphors of reality. In the fabricated reality, things which look like illusions actually reflected truths. Non-real ridiculousness enlarges and alienates reality, making people see outlines of truths unexpectedly. False reality reflected from the mirror is another form of reality. This light of deformation shines on us, making us light and twisted. This is when we actually enter the garden, the garden of the contemporary society which is illusory and authentic at the same time.

The “鏡.花園” series exhibition focuses on subjects in the city which we see and talk about. The purpose is not only to transform the appearance of the contemporary society into landscapes and spectacles but also to turn it into urban prophecies. Therefore, based on the concept of theme planning of the “鏡.花園” series exhibition, the joint exhibition can be decomposed into several continuous solo exhibitions, where not only artists can present ideas of their works completely, but also visitors can put themselves in one single and complete exhibition situation.

“To know the full image in this mirror, wait for the upcoming fate.” - Li Ruzhen

What do sounds in Taiwan look like?
How do sounds influence our lives?
It is necessary to seriously listen to and face the place we live and summarize the looks of sounds in the environment in our daily lives.

Taiwan Sound Map is a 6-year creative project by an artist, Tsan-Cheng Wu. He adopted the positioning function of Google Maps, divided Taiwan into 5 major regions, and recorded sounds in Taiwan region by region. The targets of his recordings were special sound events or objects in lives. The sound data were also shared and used in studies and projects. Every year, besides recoding sounds in the counties/cities according to the plan, he also spent some time re-visiting counties/cities where he had already been to and recordings had been completed to collect sounds once again, for the purpose of showing the changes and phenomenon of sound contents with time. This time, in tamtamArt TAIPEI IPIX, ear phone devices will be used to present sounds from completed recordings. The purpose is to, through sound collecting and recording, database processing and analyses, and planning of related exhibitions and activities, promote perceptions and feedbacks of the sound environment phenomenon in Taiwan.

更多訊息 More infos:
www.tamtamart.de www.soundandtaiwan.com/soundmap/about.html

合作及贊助單位 Sponsor:台北 鏡花園IPIX


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