首頁 / 提名觀察人 / 郭昭蘭 / 郭昭蘭 GUO Jau-Lan

郭昭蘭 GUO Jau-Lan

Adjunct Professor, MFA Program in New Media Arts

獨立策展人暨藝評,目前生活和工作於台灣台北,為台北藝術大學新媒體藝術研究所與藝術跨領域研究所兼任副教授,主要教授20世紀後的視覺藝術與當代藝術專題。郭昭蘭是2014與2015年度台新藝術獎的提名人,也是哈柏安身體藝術實驗室(HUB A)的計畫主持人,致力策展與當代藝術研究。2006年郭昭蘭取得西洋藝術史博士,主要研究美國評論如何透過詮釋羅森柏格(Robert Rauschenberg)與美國新達達藝術,以建構其反現代主義版本的後現代藝術理論。2006年起郭昭蘭開始以策展形式發表,主要關注聲音藝術、影像與視覺文化相關的文化實踐。她策畫過的展覽包括:〈2015EX!T台灣國際實驗媒體藝術展〉、〈聲音演習〉(台北,2015)、〈裂隙 島嶼〉(西班牙,2015)、第三屆台灣國際錄像藝術展〈憂鬱的進步〉(與鄭慧華共同策畫,台北,2012)、〈How Can I Tell You Who I Am?〉(西班牙,2012)、〈台灣當代藝術(TCA計畫)〉(紐約,2011)、〈樂園:重建中〉(紐約,2011)、〈離魂症:幻影神遊者〉(台北,2010)、〈未來的鄉愁〉(台中,2009)、〈複音馬賽克〉(共同策畫,台中國美館,2006)等。2011年郭昭蘭獲得文化部視覺暨表演藝術人才出國駐村及交流計畫補助,前往紐約ISCP,進行策展人駐村計畫。譯作有葛羅伊斯(Boris Groys)的「藝術力」(Art Power)。jaulanguo@gmail.com

GUO Jau-lan is an independent curator and art critic based in Taipei. She received her doctorate in Western art history in 2006, with a primary research interest in how the American critiques constructed its anti-modernism postmodern art theory through an interpretation of Robert Rauschenberg and the American Neo-Dada art movement. As an Adjunct Associate Professor, Guo teaches Modern Art and Contemporary Art at the MFA Program in New Media Art and Graduate Institute of Trans-disciplinary Arts, Taipei National University of Arts. Her curatorial involvement began in 2006, with a focus on the cultural praxis of image, visual culture and Sound Art. She has curated numerous exhibitions including Polyphonic Mosaic: CO6 Avant-Garde Documenta (National Taiwan Museum of Arts, Taichung, Taiwan, 2006), Nostalgia for Future (2009, Taichung), Somnambulism: Phantasmagoric Fugue (Taipei, 2010), Paradise: Under RE-Construction (ISCP, New York, 2011), and Taiwanese Contemporary Art (TCA Project) (ISCP, New York, 2011), How Can I Tell You Who I Am?(Spain, 2012), Melancholy in Progress, The 3rd Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition at Hong-Gah Museum of Taipei (Co-curated with Amy Cheng , Taipei, 2012), 2015 Experimental Media Arts Festival in Taiwan: Habitation and Elsewhere(Taipei and Kuala Lumpur, 2015), Between Islands(Spain, 2015), Sound Exercise (Taipei, 2015). Guo is the translator of the traditional Chinese version Art Power by Boris Groys.