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首次展演日期: 2015-07-14    結束展演日期: 2015-08-16



Project Rrose : Indifferent Sélavy-A Solo Exhibition by Jun-Jieh Wang


若絲.賽拉薇(Rrose Sélavy)是法國觀念藝術家馬塞爾.杜象(Marcel Duchamp, 1887-1968)始於1920年代之變裝嘗試的女性化名。杜象對自我身份改變的意圖,充分顯現在他不羇於傳統教條與主義的規範,他對於當代藝術所產生的巨大影響,除了「現成物」(readymade)觀念之外,最重要的是,超越長久以來藝術之於文明的局限,表現了完全自由的態度境界,質問藝術除了視網膜性(retinal)之外還有什麼可被談論的?始於2009年的《若絲計畫》(Project Rrose)是藝術家王俊傑向杜象致敬的系列之作,如同杜象質疑大部份的藝術創作已被視覺語言所操控,王俊傑也藉此展質問藝術在去除了視覺、形式與技巧之後,它還剩下什麼?

Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) had used the female name Rrose Sélavy as an alias while made a try of travestism since the 1920. Duchamp's disregard of traditional dogma and principle fully shows his intention of changing his identity. Not only his idea of ‘readymade’ has brought enormous influence to the contemporary art, most important of all, he also had made the art transcend the limit of culture over the long past, expressed the free attitude and questioned what else art could be talk about besides the retinal. Project Rrose series is a salute to Marcel Duchamp. It also revisits the outdated question of “what is art?”, ”What else are left after the vision, forms and skills have been removed from art? “



After Real Flux and Love & Death (Note1), Indifferent Sélavy, the final chapter of Project Rrose, takes its cue from the origin of Rrose Sélavy, the pseudonym of Duchamp dressed as a woman in the 1920s: It explores ambiguous identities and social relations, as well as playfully mocks the present civilization. It also dispenses with the aesthetics of art. The exhibited work Dora’s Wall, “Dora” was a crucial case for Freud’s study of hysteria. It revealed multiple clues that brought together the discussions of the complicated relationships between and the psychological state of modern people. Indifferent Sélavy is a series correlating closely with Rrose Sélavy, Duchamp’s famous work in the early 1920s, in which he dressed as a woman. Nadja’s Mystery is comprised of eighteen two-dimensional works. Nadja is André Breton(Note2)’s autobiographical novel; it is more like an interactive movie, in which one could freely reorganize different segments together. Exhibited in the end of the exhibition, In the Name of the Repose describes a collapse of the building that is similar to the end of life, and the desires and emotions hidden within the building cease as the destruction proceeds.



Indifferent Sélavy creates a secluded room that is on the verge of destruction. Through the entrance of ambivalent and melancholic characters, including Sélavy, Nadja and Dora, it depicts feelings of repression, wanderings, indifference and alienation, as well as a crazy passionate state that stands opposed to the outside world. The wanderers in the room truly belong to the contemporary age. They are misfits and incapable of adapting to the times. However, dissent and dark marginal zones actually open up the possibility of escape from the present chaos, just like the way madness opens a way out. 



(註2) 安德烈‧布賀東(André Breton,1896-1966),法國作家及詩人,為超現實主義的創始人。其最著名的作品之1924年編寫的《超現實主義宣言》。

Note1: Real Flux is Project Rrose's first creation program in 2009, exhibited in Glennfiddich Distillery, Scotland. Love & Death, The second episode ofProject Rrosewas shown in 2011 at Galerie Grand Siecle, Taipei.

Note2: André Breton was a French writer and poet. He is known best as the founder of Surrealism. His writings include the first Surrealist Manifesto (Manifeste du surréalisme) of 1924, in which he defined surrealism as "pure psychic automatism".







雌雄同體但靈肉分離 --- 林志明

以驚異之名:王俊傑的《若絲計畫:冷漠的賽拉薇》 --- 孫松榮

第十四屆第三季提名名單 --- 孫松榮

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