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Second hand emotion ─Alexander Laner & Sofie Bird Møller Double Solo Exhibition

Second hand emotion ─Alexander Laner & Sofie Bird Møller Double Solo Exhibition
展 期:2016/08/13- 2016/09/17
開幕酒會:2016/08/13 (六) 15:00 -19:00
展覽地點:VT Artsalon 非常廟藝文空間 (台北市新生北路三段56巷17號B1)
網 址:http://www.vtartsalon.com

主辦人/單位: VT Artsalon 非常廟藝文空間
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2016-08-13    結束展演日期: 2016-09-17

活動地點: VT Artsalon 非常廟藝文空間
活動地址: 台北市新生北路三段56巷17號B1


Second hand emotion ─Alexander Laner & Sofie Bird Møller Double Solo Exhibition

展 期:2016/08/13- 2016/09/17
開幕酒會:2016/08/13 (六) 15:00 -19:00

展覽地點:VT Artsalon 非常廟藝文空間 (台北市新生北路三段56巷17號B1)

網    址:http://www.vtartsalon.com




「 VT 慕尼黑三年駐點計劃」為VT非常廟藝文空間與德國慕尼黑藝術公寓(Apartment der Kunst,簡稱AOA)締結為期三年的合作計畫。每年計畫均涵蓋三項重點工作:1.策展人策劃展 2.台灣藝術家德國駐村 3.台德藝術家雙邊交流個展。計畫於2014-2016三年期間執行,期間成功創立台、德兩地藝文交流平台,引介兩地多位優秀的策展人及藝術家進行發表,並于每次活動後獲得廣大的迴響與討論。今年八月,VT與AOA交流合作的計畫即將告一段落。最後一檔重點展覽,VT透過歌德學院(德國文化中心)的協助邀請享譽國際的德國藝術家夫妻檔Alexander Laner與Sofie Bird Møller來台舉辦雙個展—「Second hand emotion」。


Alexander Laner是行為藝術及雕塑家,活躍於德國、義大利、奧地利等地,畢業於慕尼黑藝術學院,過去有著特殊的專業背景,曾經受訓做為廣告招牌與霓虹燈的設計師,也擔任專業石匠的學徒,這些經驗使他的創作更增添了豐富的面向。Laner自視為是一個進行著廣義創作概念的傳統雕塑家。雖說如此,他的創作其實一點也不傳統:在著名的汽車創作裡,他在一次展覽期間與一個焊接工人一起在展場中維修兩台自有的賓士汽車,藉此探討藝術系統中藝術家與工匠的委託和合作關係,又或者他以摩托引擎製作了一個小型的動力推車,在蕭邦音樂的伴奏下,透過機械與人力的合作在展場中繞行、燒胎,以此紀錄藝術家與自製機械之間怪異的合作關係。總體而言,Laner的創作同時帶有令人愉悅的幽默感和令人苦惱的不協調狀態。


Sofie Bird Møller畢業於倫敦Byam Shaw藝術學院,曾在哥本哈根、蘇黎世、洛杉磯、埃斯比約、柏林、慕尼黑等地舉辦個展,作品展出於丹麥、瑞士、美國、西班牙、比利時、瑞典、摩洛哥、法國、英國。Møller擅長現成物與圖像的再製,經常透過繪畫與裝置轉換有社會意義或美術史價值的物件,使之成為帶有神祕、超現實或者女性主義色彩的創作。例如她過去一系列以濃烈筆觸和鮮艷色彩,塗抹在時尚雜誌圖像上的創作,將女性身體從作為感官召喚物的現實情況中抽離,轉變成為具有精神性意義的超現實狀態;又或者她以十八世紀刻蝕版畫為材料,創作的大型裝置藝術,透過改寫與創造符號的方式,從古典作品中開啟現代的藝術招魂術。


「Second hand emotion」指向一種受到旁人感染的情緒傳播狀態,也是80年代紅極一時的美國歌手蒂娜·透娜的歌詞內容,歌曲唱出愛情如何為人帶來悸動、不安與提問,正如Møller與Laner的創作中那些苦澀、美麗和幽默。


Second hand emotion ─Alexander Laner & Sofie Bird Møller Double Solo Exhibition

Dates: 13 August 2016 – 17 September 2016

Opening Reception: 13 August 2016 (Sat.) 15:00

Venue: VT Artsalon (B1F., No.17, Ln. 56, Sec. 3, Xinsheng N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan)

Website: http://www.vtartsalon.com

TEL: 02-2597-2525

EMAIL: info@vtartsalon.com

The VT-Munich Residency Project is a three-year collaboration between VT Artsalon and Apartment der Kunst (AOA) in Munich, which set three goals to be achieved on an annual basis: (1) curatorial exhibition; (2) residency program in Germany for Taiwanese artists; and (3) bilateral exchange exhibitions by Taiwanese and German artists. This collaborative project has continued from 2014 to 2016, and has forged a robust platform for artistic and cultural exchange between Taiwan and Germany. This project has also continually offered presentation opportunities to curators and artists par excellence from the two countries, and these gala events were always followed up by considerable resonances and discussions. The end of the three-year collaborative project between VT Artsalon and AOA is around the corner in August this year. To bring this project to successful completion, with the help of Goethe Institut Taipei, we invite the internationally renowned German artist couple Alexander Laner and Sofie Bird Møller to stage their dual solo exhibition Second Hand Emotion in Taiwan.

Alexander Laner is a performance artist and a sculptor who has a dynamic presence in Germany, Italy, and Austria. Graduated from Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, Laner has a unique professional background. He was trained as a designer of advertisement signboards and neon lights, and also sat at the feet of a professional stonemason. These experiences add rich dimensions to his creations. Laner considers himself as a traditional sculptor who represents a wide spectrum of creative ideas. Nonetheless, his creations are not traditional at all. For example, when exhibiting his famous art series with automobile as the subject, he explored the commissioning and collaborative relationships between an artist and a craftsman in the art system by maintining two private-owned Mercedes Benz cars with a welder in the exhibition venue. Another example is that he produced a small kinetic cart with the engine of a motorcycle. To the accompaniment of Chopin’s music, he made the cart move around the exhibition venue and burned the tires, through which he established a bizarre collabotiave relationship between himself and the self-made machine. In general, Laner’s oevure is full of pleasant humor and meanwhile conveys a nagging sense of incongruity.

Gratuded from the Byam Shaw School of Art in London, Sofie Bird Møller has staged solo exhibitions in Copenhagen, Zurich, Los Angelos, Esbjerg, Berlin and Munich, and her works have been exhibited in Danmark, Switzerland, the United States, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Morocco, France and the United Kingdom. Specizlizing in reproducing readymades and images, Møller often presses painting and installation into service, transforming objects carrying social meanings or art historical values into mystical, surrealist or feminist creations. For example, she used to apply vigorous brushstrokes and vibrant colors to images in fashion maginizes, thereby detaching women’s bodies from their implication as sensual stimuli and transforming them into a surreal existence with spiritual significance. Another example is that she employed the etchings in the 18th century as the material for her large-scale installations, and spelled the modern artistic necromancy out of classical masterpieces by re-writing and creating symbols.

The title “second hand emotion” refers to the infectious nature of emotions. It is also a part of the song lyrics sung by Tina Turner, one of the most popular American singers in the 1980s. The creations by Møller and Laner brim with bitterness, aesthetic beauty and humor, just like the song lyrics addressing the question as to how love gives people visceral thrill, uneasiness and suspicion.

This dual solo exhibition will be on view from 13 August to 17 September at VT Artsalon. The opening reception and the forum will start at 15:00 on 13 August, where the visitors can gain first hand information about the two artists.

With thanks to Goethe-Institut for providing help in promoting the project


活動聯絡電話: 02-2597-2525    活動聯絡人: 王小姐


《Second hand emotion》   --- 陳韋鑑

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