首頁 / 藝術雷達 / 藝術動態 / 進/出「地方」—吳繼濤、姚瑞中的當代風景游牧
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主辦人/單位: 大觀藝術空間

首次展演日期: 2017-04-29    結束展演日期: 2017-06-04
開放時間:週二至週日(週一公休) 10:30-18:30




In/Out of Place: Contemporary Landscape Nomadism of Wu Chi-tao and Yao Jui-chung

展 期 Dates|04.29-06.04
座 談 會 Art Talk|04.29 15:00-16:00
開幕茶會 Reception|04.29 16:30
策 展 人 Curator|白適銘 Pai Shi-min
地 點 Venue|大觀藝術空間 DaGuan Gallery





To different people, the concept of natural space might hold extremely opposite meanings. The position of the definer determines its possible meaning, while providing it with an individuality and distinctiveness. The particular attributes of space must be “dependent on the circumstances.” The key lies in social practices, which depends on the creation and method of use of space by people. 

In modern industrial society, travel and relocation have become an inescapable norm of life. However, regardless of the frequency, the action of establishing a temporary or permanent residence during a move reflects a type of cyclical rule involving an“exit” (leave, loss) and “entrance” (return, receive). 

The recent landscape works by Wu Jitao and Yao Juichung involves the dialectical relationship between location and pace - security and threat, stability and freedom, and movement and suspension have all become amongst the most important core of dialogue. For both of the artists, the action of entering/exiting a location respectively represents the different courses and results of wandering/herding. 

The meeting of two people roaming a landscape lies in the so-called “creation of a home.” Leaving and returning has always formed both sides to the concept of a home. Subjective positioning and objective needs are different. Therefore, the landscape has since become a type of social practice that holds memories, writing, and “localized” characteristics.

大觀藝術空間 DaGuan Gallery
開放時間 Gallery Hours|週二至週日(週一公休) 10:30-18:30 Mon. – Sun. (Closed on Mon.)
地 址 Add.|台北市敬業二路69巷16號 16, Lane 69, JingYeh 2nd Rd., Taipei Taiwan
捷 運 MRT|劍南路站2號(明水路)出口,沿敬業二路直走,69巷右轉 Jiannan Road Station exit 2 (Ming Shui Road), go straight on JingYeh 2nd Road, then turn right on 69 Lane
電 話 Tel.|02 8501 5677

活動聯絡電話: 02-85015677    活動聯絡人: 黃小姐

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