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足跡與打卡 Footprint and Check-In


主辦人/單位: 海桐藝術中心
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2017-06-08    結束展演日期: 2017-06-17




展覽名稱:足跡與打卡 Footprint and Check-In < 活動網址
展出者 :Tom Finke、黃湘文、陳冠伃、陳韻芝、魏欣姸、劉子嘉、閃星草(許懿婷、劉昕穎)
展出地點:海桐藝術中心 (台北市大同區哈密街75號2樓 臨近大龍峒保安宮)
展出日期:2017/6/8-17 ( 15:00 -:21:00,共10天,展覽期間不休息)
開幕烤肉:2017/ 6/10 18:00
策 展 人 :林明彥




在這些影像中我們可以看見拍攝者的移動過程,由城市的這端到那端,或是移動到另外一個國度,除了生命個體的移動外,也有心理狀態的變動。足跡Footprint 分為Foot 與Print,正代表了腳與照片,而check-in則是社群媒體上所使用的打卡,代表一種到達與此曾在 ,足跡可能被抹掉,而打卡則會被社群媒體與友人記得,甚至過幾年還會被提醒,被更多的人牢記著。


[About the Exhibition]

In Tom Finke’s photographs, we see a lot about the landscape of humanity in the United States and Japan. The concept of this exhibition began when I met Tom, an artist from the United States. While in Taiwan, he kindly shared his two published photo books with me, one portraying the people of the United States and other the people of Japan. Through the publisher’s (Sokyusha Publishing, JP) exquisite design and his polished photographs, including his refined darkroom techniques, we begin to understand a lot about the humanity in both countries.

With the invention and continuous progress of photography, the medium has changed and has ranged from staged photography to street photography. In today’s digital age, we can capture images much more quickly and conveniently than ever before; moreover, currently we are able to share in people’s lives easily on our screens through the images they post on various social media.

We can divide the work in Footprint and Check-In into two different categories: artists who photograph through their own aesthetic or documentary eye, and artists who express themselves through both images and texts on social media platforms.

We see photographer's moving traces in the images. They move from here to there and city to city, and as the figures move, so does the mind. The word “Footprint” combines the word “foot” and “print”, explaining how one leaves “marks” (images) through their feet (moving) in a literal way. On the other hand, people often use the “check-in” mode on social media platforms as a feature to announce their presence. Footprints might be erased, but check-ins would be or can be remembered by friends and Facebook. (you may be reminded again of this event even years later)

We sincerely hope that the exhibition “Footprint and Check-In” cultivates conversations about and around image making. Through assorted artists’ practices, we aim to showcase the extended possibilities of photography.


活動聯絡電話: 02-25993630    活動聯絡人: 林明彥


「足跡與打卡」 --- 陳韋鑑

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