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「還原-土地之歌」Reduction-Nature is Speaking

活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2018-02-03    結束展演日期: 2018-03-18


「還原-土地之歌」Reduction-Nature is Speaking



Nature doesn’t need people, people need nature. ~ Conservation International


Some studies indicate that many wars in history were the results of environmental changes. The process started with a lack of water, and consequently the shortage of food, migration, racial conflicts, religious differences, discrimination, and eventually resulted in the outburst of wars. Because the process might take a rather long period of time, people could not see the underlying reasons other than what have been happening on the surface. After the second half of the 20th century, contradictions and conflicts have emerged on the land of Taiwan due to economic development and environmental damage—chemicals from factories polluting rivers and streams; illegal farm-styled B&Bs; exploitation and unlawful development of indigenous peoples’ land; air pollution from thermal power plants, etc. All these have largely increased the burden of our environment and led to land injustice, precipitating full-scale social contention. Other similar situations are still taking place, including farmland being used for other purposes, liquidation of land that increases earthquake hazard, intensive construction of fishing harbors that seals up the island’s shoreline with concrete, cement company blowing up mountains for mining in a national park, etc. Behind each of these events lies human ignorance and insatiable greed whereas land is sacrificed in this power game. Eventually, the consequences are to be shouldered by the entire humanity. 


《還原─土地之歌》展覽邀請來自東台灣的創作者王郁雯、伊命‧瑪法琉、李翎、林琳、林瑞玉、劉曉蕙、饒愛琴及陳若軒的作品共同展出,以不同創作媒材及型態代替土地發聲:「我們有自然風,不要電風扇」、「盤子上的食物是水泥飛魚嗎?」、「後遺症出現了」、「狂舞吧,憂鬱!」、「土地如何劃分呢?」…他們透過詼諧、反諷、自省或詩意的語彙來表達環境的現況、表達台灣人對於環境現狀的不滿與隱憂,期待大家 可以試著聆聽大自然的聲音,並重新思考對於土地的使用,停止沒頭沒腦的開發。

Reduction─Nature is Speaking features eight artists from the east coast of Taiwan, including Wang Yu-Wen, Iming Mavaliw, Lee Ling, Malay Makaluwan, Lin Jui-Yu, Liu Hsiao-Hui , Rao Ai-Chin and Chen Ro-Hsuan. These artists have made the voice of the land heard by using different media and art forms, presenting works such as We Have Natural Wind and Do Not Need Electric Fans, Is That Concrete Flying Fish on the Plate?, Here Comes the Consequence, Dance, Melancholy!, How Could You Divide the Land?, etc. With a humorous, sarcastic, self-reflecting or poetic tone and language, the artists delineate the current environmental condition and express the discontent and concerns of Taiwanese people living on the east coast. It is their sincere hope that audiences can try to listen to the voice of Mother Nature, and reflect upon our use of land to stop the endless, ridiculous development projects. 



In addition to the seven artists mentioned above, photographer Chen Ro-Hsuan faithfully documents and describes the continuous fight of the land protectors, including their nights on the streets and their angry roar against the injustice. Artists from all over Taiwan have supported them with actions, which demonstrate the close and strong bond between humanity and nature observed and embraced by artists as well as indigenous peoples. Since the ancient time until the present day, they have been reminding people: Do not forget! Do not forget!



當代館「還原-土地之歌」 --- 陳韋鑑

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