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無界的島 ─ 洪韵婷個展

主辦人/單位: 絕對空間 Absolute Space for the Arts
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2018-10-11    結束展演日期: 2018-11-11

活動地點: 絕對空間 Absolute Space
活動地址: 台南市中西區民生路一段205巷11號


展覽期間:2018 / 10 / 11 – 11 / 11
開幕茶會:2018 / 10 / 13 (六) 3:00 pm
藝術家座談:2018 / 10 / 27 (六) 3:00 pm

// 藝術家展覽簡述 //
「這個世紀是一個流動性劇烈擴張的世紀,表現在旅遊、遷移勞動力、移民和城市化蔓延等方面。越來越多人開始棲身於交通工具、機動車和飛機上……離開家並不意味著可以發現新鮮的東西,體驗另一個時間或空間。生疏的事物往往邂逅於比鄰的街區,而熟悉的東西則出現在地球盡頭。」– James Clifford

// 關於洪韵婷 // 
生於1981年,居住於高雄,畢業於德國國立德勒斯登高等藝術學院造型藝術研究所大師班,現任教於台南長榮大學美術系,亦為tamtamART負責人、滲透影音媒體藝術節召集人。近年個展經歷有2016年高雄弔詭畫廊「度」、2015年新竹藝術8空間「單程票」等;2018年聯展經歷包括有高雄弔詭畫廊的「易地戀」、寶藏巖光節「又在這裡,又在那裡」、德國萊比錫WERKSCHAUHALLE之「f(r)iction in between [虛構]之間」聯展等等。洪韵婷今年度於俄羅斯莫斯科CCI Fabrika策劃「國際錄像藝術節-台灣單元 Data Mania」,同時為2015-2017年台北「滲透媒體影音藝術節」主要策劃者。



An Island without Boundary – Hung Yun-Ting Solo Exhibition 

Date: 2018 / 10 / 11 – 11 / 11
Opening: 2018 / 10 / 13 Sat. 3:00 pm
Artist talk: 2018 / 10 / 27 Sat. 3:00 pm
Guest: Chao-Ying Lee (Associate Professor of the Department of Ethnic Relations and Cultures at National Dong Hwa University)

// Exhibition Statement //
“This century is a century of dramatic liquidity expansion, manifested in tourism, labor migration, immigration and urbanization. More and more people are starting to live on vehicles, automotive vehicles and airplanes ... Leaving home doesn't mean you can find something new and experience another time or space. Unfamiliar things tend to linger in neighborhoods, while familiar things appear at the end of the earth. ” - James Clifford

In “An Island without Boundary”, Hung Yun-Ting is inspired by the frequent international mobility in recent years. We all know that the labor migration has accelerated the flow of human beings. Travel has become a common and normal life style, and we have quickly created a world outside our own country; a cultural colonial world that tends to form the same preferences and the same language. However, this unbalanced condition that is away from everyday life and being forced to face strangers is truly reflected in this reality. In such an era of dramatic expansion, language, institutions, functions, and so on are all circulated on the same platform, and the world is moving toward to homogenization, generalizing cultural differences. At the same time, the Internet re-activated the ancient transmission method of our correspondence, but it was manipulated in a sense of writing without distance, yet direct and instant. The waiting period which could be the most fascinating part within the whole communication process disappeared. The relationship between people did not get closer due to globalization, but it was reflected on the dimensions and scale of the distance between people and architecture. As the Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi mentioned, “the greatness of Rome is actually drawing the distance away from you and the person you’re looking for, increasing the number if stairs walking toward him……”
This exhibition aims to remind us the current era of contradictory, which becomes bigger yet smaller and moving toward both globalization and alienation through objects used and rituals operated when traveling and moving. It also represents each kind of speeds and the fluidity woven by such speeds through the artistic practices; constructing a imagined space and a world of dynamic movement of subject/object, object/self and mental/physical condition. 

// About Hung Yun-Ting //
Born in 1981, currently lives in Kaohsiung and works at Chang Jung Christian University in Tainan, Taiwan. Also the main convener of Osmosis Audiovisual Medis Festival in Taipei and the artistic director of tamtamART Art Association in Berlin/Taipei.

// Selected Solo Exhibitions //
2016 Do/Through/Measure, Crane Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2015 One way ticket, Art8, Hsinchu, Taiwan 

// Selected Group Exhibitions //
2018 Exchanging Views, Crane Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 
2018 f(r)iction in between, Werkschauhalle – Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig, Germany
2018 Here And There, Treasure Hill Light Festival, Treasure hill artist village, Taipei, Taiwan 

// Curating //
2018 “Data Mania, CCI Fabrika”, Moscow, Russia
2017 “Osmosis Adiovisual Media Festival 2017”, Taipei, Taiwan 
2016 “Osmosis Adiovisual Media Festival 2016”, Taipei/Kaohsiung, Taiwan 
2015 “Osmosis Adiovisual Media Festival 2015”, Taipei/Hsinchu/Taichung/Kaohsiung, Taiwan 

Organizer: Absolute Space for the Arts
Sponsor: National Culture and Arts Foundation, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Tainan City

活動聯絡電話: 06-2233508    活動聯絡人: 謝小姐

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