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Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company
2018 The Kafka Project
“The Bug”

舞蹈x科技x特定空間演出 ─
Dance, Technology, and Site-specific Performance

羅文瑾(舞蹈藝術) X王連晟(科技藝術) X Nigel Brown(聲音藝術)
Wen-jinn Luo (Dance Artist) V.S. Lien-cheng Wang (New Media Artist) V.S. Nigel Brown(Sound Artist)

我 在虫裡,
虫 在夢裡
夢 卡在現實裡,
現實 粉碎在我的身體裡
I am in the Bug.
The Bug is in my dream.
My dream is stuck in reality.
Reality is smashed in my body.

主辦人/單位: 稻草人現代舞蹈團
活動類別: 舞蹈

首次展演日期: 2018-12-14    結束展演日期: 2018-12-16
2018.12.14(Fri.) 19:00 / 20:30
2018.12.15(Sat.) 19:00 / 20:30
2018.12.16(Sun.) 19:00 / 20:30



Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company 
2018 The Kafka Project 
“The Bug” 

舞蹈x科技x特定空間演出 ─ 
Dance, Technology, and Site-specific Performance 

羅文瑾(舞蹈藝術) X王連晟(科技藝術) X Nigel Brown(聲音藝術) 
Wen-jinn Luo (Dance Artist) V.S. Lien-cheng Wang (New Media Artist) V.S. Nigel Brown(Sound Artist) 

我 在虫裡, 
虫 在夢裡 
夢 卡在現實裡, 
現實 粉碎在我的身體裡 
I am in the Bug. 
The Bug is in my dream. 
My dream is stuck in reality. 
Reality is smashed in my body. 

結合編舞家羅文瑾、新媒體藝術家王連晟、聲音藝術家Nigel Brown,稻草人現代舞團將卡夫卡<變形記>的文學深度滲透到舞蹈身體與科技藝術裡,透過一位舞者與兩個機械虫的身體連結與感應,透視存在本質的意義與價值,進而剖析「虫」對人感官上及心理層面所造成的各種負面影響及刻板印象,探究我們內心深層真正的恐懼。 
Inspired by Franz Kafka’s novel Die Verwandlung, Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company artistic director and choreographer Wen-jinn Luo collaborated with award-winning media artist Lien-cheng Wang and Australian sound artist Nigel Brown to create the dance work “The Bug” combining movement, digital technology, sound, art installation, and site-specific performance. Through the physical connection between a dancer and two mechanical bugs, the work reveals the essence of meaning and value in human existence. The negative impressions and influences of a "bug" on our sensory and psychological being are analyzed to uncover the deep fears inside our hearts. 

・關於稻草人現代舞蹈團/About Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company 
Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company (SCDC) was founded in 1989 by Chiu-Mei Ko in Tainan City. In 1998, Curator Wen-chun Lo became the director of the company and choreographer, Wen-Jinn Luo, who earned a MFA in dance from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the U.S.A., began to serve as the artistic director for SCDC. Ever since, Lo and Luo have led SCDC in producing and performing a variety of artistic and contemporary dance styles and performances. Luo “has a reputation for thoughtful, quirky pieces and she’s usually worth betting on, especially given the challenging literary works she cites as inspiration “(Taipei Times, Diane Baker, 2015). SCDC is committed to its mission to collaborate with outstanding dancers, choreographers, and artists from different fields to develop contemporary dance styles that are unique to Taiwan. 

・製作演出群/Production Staff: 
Director/Producer: Wen-Chun Lo (Wendy) 
Artistic Director/Choreographer/Performer: Wen-Jinn Luo 
New Media Artist: Lien-Cheng Wang 
聲音藝術:Nigel Brown 
Sound Artist: Nigel Brown 
Lighting Designer: Wen-Ming Wang 
Stage Manager: Shu-Ling Kuo 
Costume Designer: Chih-Yang Huang 
Rehearsal Assistant: Chia-Yu Ho 
Administrative Manager: Meng-Chun Wu 
Photographer: Chen-Hsuan Wu 
Graphic Designer: Winder Chen 

・演出地點/ Performance Venue: 
Ten Drum Culture Village, Creative Base 

・演出時間/Performance Date & Time: 
2018.12.14(Fri.)   19:00 / 20:30 
2018.12.15(Sat.)  19:00 / 20:30 
2018.12.16(Sun.) 19:00 / 20:30 

・票價/Price:NTD 800


售票網址: https://goo.gl/ZqfyWt
活動聯絡電話: 06-2253218    活動聯絡人: 吳孟純

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