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主辦人/單位: 國立臺北藝術大學關渡美術館
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2019-07-12    結束展演日期: 2019-09-22
週二 至 週日 10:00 至 17:00 (16:30停止入館)

活動地點: 關渡美術館
活動地址: 台北市北投區學園路1號




藝術家:阿爾溫•希達亞、區秀詒 x 陳侑汝、林羿綺、劉玗、呂易倫、羅懿君、馬寞路、馬哈拉妮•馬羌那嘎拉、梅西•西妥魯斯、吳其育、張徐展










Artists: Arwin HIDAYAT, AU Sow-Yee x CHEN Yow-Ruu, LIN Yi-Chi, LIU Yu, LU Yi-Lun, LO Yi-Chun, mamoru, Maharani MANCANAGARA, Meicy SITORUS, WU Chi-Yu, ZHANG-XU Zhan

Curator: Chen Hsiang-Wen



What stories have we heard about the past? In addition to written history, what did survivors witness? Is it possible to find more ways to define ourselves by looking into the rustling sounds coming out from the ash pile of history and by examining culturally significant marks ingrained in us?


This project starts with several journeys between Taiwan and the Indonesian archipelago. There is a lasting connection between these two countries in regard to their histories and current social situations. The colonies had been governed by different colonial regimes. Their native languages were eliminated. And the identity and feelings for the motherland were purposefully diluted. Moreover, whenever the governing body changes, the understanding of history and geography of a nation would be replaced by a new set of knowledge. In the post-war era, many cultural groups and individuals who are put at a disadvantage due to lack of discursive or militant power seem invisible. Yet their voices and memories might still be there despite that they choose to forget. In this exhibition, artists collect fragments of the past, research carefully on traces left in nature, cultural practice and personal micro-histories, and further dig out more means to articulate a discourse beyond the existing definition of politics and geography. What’s absurd and intriguing at the same time is that the residues of the past which could not be properly documented in written history have actually been passed on from generation to generation. They travel in the shadowed rifts, mutating and transforming into similar yet different manifestations in varied regions to be shared and divided.


活動聯絡電話: 02-28961000#2444    活動聯絡人: 歐靜雲


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